Labor Category Tables Overview

Use Labor Category tables to assign billing rates to employee billing categories, such as Principal, Project Manager, or Senior Consultant.

You can also use the Labor Category Table to override default billing categories set for an employee in the Employee Info Center. However, Deltek recommends that you use an Override Table to override a default category. Whichever method you choose, be consistent and use that method whenever overriding a category.

Access to the Labor Category Tables form depends on your role. The access rights granted to your role from the General and Record Access tabs of Role Security determine your access to all billing rate tables.

Source of Labor Categories

You establish labor categories on the Labor Categories tab of Configuration > Accounting > System Settings. You can also establish a category from the Billing Labor Category table, if you want to use it in that table only.

Be consistent with category names and numbers from table to table when the same category appears in two different tables. Change only the rate.

To change an employee's default category, use the Labor Override Table.

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