Invoice Template Editor Overview

The Billing application comes with a standard invoice report and standard template settings. Use the Invoice Template Editor to create custom invoice settings, tailoring invoice information and layout to your company's needs.

An invoice template is essentially a set of saved settings that determine the content and the layout of the invoice. Each template is based on the standard invoice report shipped with Vision.

If the standard template (layout and content options) shipped with Vision does not meet your needs, you can design your own invoice template.

Security and Access Rights

Your Vision administrator can set access limitations on various configuration tables and applications throughout Vision, including invoice templates. An administrator can tailor your view so you can view and/or update only the invoice templates you use in association with the projects you work on, rather than all invoice templates in the Vision database.

For example, invoice templates might be created that are specific to an organization or specific to a project manager. Your administrator could set up the invoice templates so that you see only templates that relate to the projects you work on. If you do not see a particular invoice template that you expect to see, either from the Invoice Template Editor, from the Invoice Template field on the General tab of the Billing Terms form, or from the Invoice Options field in Intercompany Billing, contact your Vision administrator to determine if your access rights must be adjusted.

There are two types of access rights that can be set for invoice templates: Record Level View and Record Level Update. The invoice templates your Vision administrator gives you Record Level View access to determines the templates that are available to you to view in Billing Terms and in Invoice Options in Intercompany Billing.

The templates your Vision administrator gives you Record Level Update access to determines the invoice templates that are available to you from Invoice Template Editor form (Billing > Invoice Template Editor). You must also have access to the Invoice Templates menu option (General tab of the Roles form), to access the templates selected from the Record Access Tab.

Your system administrator sets access rights on the Record Access tab of the Roles form (Configuration > Security > Roles).

Invoice Language

If your firm uses the Multilingual feature, you specify the language that you want to use each time that you log in to Vision. If you create an invoice template, Vision saves the language as part of the template. As a result, each time that you generate invoices based on that template, Vision generates them in that language, even if the person who initiates the billing process is currently logged in with a different language.

Because each template is associated with a specific language, make sure you log in with the language that you want before you create a template. If you need to make changes to a template, be sure that you log in with the language for which you created it. If you do not, Vision sets the language for the template to the active language for your current Vision session when you save your changes.