Printing Outstanding Accounts Receivable on Invoices

You can print outstanding accounts receivables on your invoices.

Vision prints the outstanding accounts receivable in different locations on the invoice depending on whether you are generating the invoice for the project as a whole, for each individual phase, for each individual task, or for a billing group.

To print outstanding accounts receivable for: Select this option on the General Tab of the Billing Terms form
Entire project Select the Print Project A/R option, at the project level of billing terms.

Vision displays a list of outstanding accounts receivable at the project level only. This information appears in a section called Outstanding Invoices.

Each phase, with breakout at phase level Select the Print Phase A/R option, at the project level of billing terms.

Vision displays accounts receivable breakout at the phase level, regardless of whether you have tasks, in a section called Outstanding Invoices.

This option is available only if the project is set up with at least two levels of work breakdown structure. This option is not available if you chose to Consolidate Printing by Phase.

Each phase, with breakout at task level Select the Print A/R Phase Totals option at the project level of billing terms.

Vision displays accounts receivable sub-totals under phase-level headings, calculating totals for each phase by adding the total accounts receivable amounts for each phases's tasks.

Vision displays an Outstanding Invoices section for each phase that has detail at the task level, adding the total of all task detail to the appropriate phase's Outstanding Invoices section.

This option is available only if the project is set up with three levels of work breakdown structure. This option is not available if you chose to Consolidate Printing by Phase or Consolidate Printing by Task.

Each task Select the Print A/R Breakout option, at the project level of billing terms.

Vision displays accounts receivable at the lowest level of the current project's work breakdown structure, for a project with three WBS levels. For example, if a project has three phases and phase 1 and 2 have two tasks, but phase 3 has no tasks, Vision shows detail at the task level for phase 1 and 2, and shows detail at the phase level for phase 3.

Vision displays phase and task detail in the Outstanding Invoices section.

This option is available only if the project is set up with three levels of work breakdown structure. This option is not available if you chose to Consolidate Printing by Phase or Consolidate Printing by Task.

A billing group or each project in a billing group Select the Print A/R by (Group or Project) options, from the Print A/R by field on the Billing Groups form.

Vision displays the Outstanding Invoices section for the entire billing group or for each project in the billing group.