Processing Batch Invoices

You can process draft and final invoices in Batch Billing.

You can process batches or groups of invoices in two ways:

Vision does not support running simultaneous batch billing processes for the same project. For example, if a scheduled batch billing process is running when you start a second batch billing process, one of those processes could fail if the same project is included in both processes.

Processing Draft Invoices

When you process draft invoices, Vision does the following:

  • Creates an invoice for every selected project.
  • While Vision creates the invoices, Vision displays the message "Processing Invoices..." at the top of the Batch Billing form, and in the status area in the lower left of the browser window.
  • When processing is complete, and each invoice is sent by email, printed, or generated without printing, depending on Batch Billing settings, Vision displays a dialog box indicating the number of invoices successfully created, unless done from a process server, which has no interactive component.

Vision does not assign invoice numbers to the invoices at this time. When Vision completes the processing and printing of each invoice, <Draft> appears in the Invoice No: column (if shown) on the invoice to indicate the invoice was generated during a draft billing run.

Sending email draft invoices in Microsoft Excel format to project managers is an easy way to get feedback on draft invoices from project managers. Project managers can enter corrections or comments directly in the Excel spreadsheet, highlight their comments in a different color to make additions easy for the billing administrator to find, and easily send the files back to the administrator.

Processing Invoices without Printing

You must process invoices without printing them if your firm uses Vision on servers hosted by a third-party Application Service Provider (ASP).

You also do this if you want to:

  • Improve efficiency — You can send invoices to the printer as you review them. You may also choose to send one group of invoices to one printer and another group to another printer, to speed the printing process.
  • Preview invoices before they are printed.
  • Review the Batch Invoice List report to avoid printing errors — You can generate draft invoices and then review the Batch Invoice List report to view the invoices included in this month's billing. You can review the Batch List report for missing invoices or missing amounts, without having to first print the entire batch billing run. You can then make any necessary corrections, re-generate your invoices, and print them when you are ready.

Processing Final Invoices

After you review your batch billing settings, you can create final invoices. When you run a batch of bills, either by selecting Run or scheduling the run for a later time, the bills are processed and accepted during that step.

When you create final invoices, Vision does the following:

  • Creates an invoice for every selected project.
  • While Vision creates the invoices, Vision displays the message "Processing Invoices..." at the top of the Batch Billing form and in the status area in the lower left of the browser window.
  • Assigns invoice numbers to the invoices.
  • Marks transactions designated to be written-off or deleted and so excludes these from the billing process.
  • If Release Holds Automatically is selected in Billing Setup Configuration, Vision resets all held transactions to be billable again.
  • Updates the Invoice Transaction Entry file.
  • When processing is complete, and each invoice has been sent via email, printed, or generated without printing, Vision displays a dialog box indicating the number of projects processed, and the number of invoices successfully created. This dialog box may not appear, depending on Batch Billing settings.

If you send a batch of invoices via email, each email message recipient receives one summary email for all invoices in the batch.