Phase or Task Rollup Grouping on Invoices

When you use phase or task rollup grouping invoices, you consolidate billing detail on the invoice based on phase or task numbers with similar numbering schemes.

Use this option if you want to record detailed information to provide to internal Project Managers, but you do not want the client to see the detail broken out on the invoice.

You can roll up on any valid position of the phase or task number. For example, if your phase numbers are three digits long, you can roll up on the first, second, or third position (or select 0 (zero) to not roll up at all).

You enter Phase Rollup Grouping and Task Rollup Grouping settings on the Sub-Level Terms tab of a project's Billing Terms form. When you enter a phase or task rollup grouping at the project level's Sub-Level Terms tab, the choice will apply to all phases, or all tasks within the project. You cannot roll up both phases and tasks.

If you have also selected Phase Terms on the project's Sub-Level Terms tab, you may select a specific phase and enter different terms for that phase. If you have not selected a Phase Rollup Grouping or a Task Rollup Grouping at the project level, you may select a Task Rollup Grouping for the specific phase.


In the following example, 1 is selected from the Phase Rollup Grouping field at the project level. Vision combines the detail (based on the terms for the first phase) for all phases that have the same character in position 1. Assume you have the following phases for a project:

  • 001
  • 002
  • 003
  • 101
  • 102

In this example, Vision displays two different sections for the phase information:

  • Phase 0 lists the combined information for phases 001, 002, and 003. It uses the label and terms specified for the first phase that it matches, in this case phase 001.
  • Phase 1 lists the combined information for phases 101 and 102. It uses the label and terms specified for the first phase it matches, in this case, phase 101.

Specify Rollup Positions

You specify rollup positions for the phase or the task, depending upon whether you are establishing terms at the project or phase level, from the Sub-Level Terms tab of the Billing Terms form.

When you open a project with phases on the Billing Terms form, a Sub-Level Terms tab is enabled. On this tab, you can enter a rollup position in the Phase Rollup Grouping fieldor the Task Rollup Grouping field. When you enter a phase or task rollup grouping on the project level's Sub-Level Terms tab, the choice applies to all phases or all tasks in the project. You cannot rollup both phases and tasks.

If you also selected Phase Terms on the project's Sub-Level Terms tab, you can select a specific phase and enter different terms for that phase. If you have not selected a Phase Rollup Grouping or a Task Rollup Grouping at the project level, you can select a Task Rollup Grouping for the specific phase.