Regular Invoices for Projects with Pre-Invoices
A regular invoice (draft or final) for projects that use pre-invoices should have a Pre-Invoice section that includes information about related pre-invoices.
Pre-Invoice Section of a Regular Invoice
You select the options and labels for the Pre-Invoice section on the Sections tab in Billing > Invoice Template Editor for a regular invoice template.
- All the paid pre-invoices that are being applied to the regular invoice that you are currently creating. These are the pre-invoices that have been paid since the last regular invoice was generated.
- All the unpaid pre-invoices that have been canceled as a result of creating that regular invoice.
The Pre-Invoice section shows only fee amounts (not taxes) for paid and canceled pre-invoices.
Unpaid Pre-Invoices
All unpaid pre-invoices and unpaid portions of pre-invoices for a project are canceled automatically when you preview or accept a regular invoice in Interactive Billing or generate a regular invoice in Batch Billing. You can add the unpaid pre-invoice fee amounts to the regular invoice by entering them in the Fee field on the Fees tab in Billing Terms.
Regular Invoice Fee Amounts
A regular invoice can have any billing terms. It does not have to use the Current unit or fee fee method like the pre-invoices must use.
The total billed amount of a regular invoice is based on the entries that you make in Billing Terms for it, less the paid fee amounts from pre-invoices that have cash receipts entered for them since the last regular invoice was generated.
When paid pre-invoice fee amounts are applied to a regular invoice, the amounts display in both the Paid and Applied columns in the Pre-Invoice section of the regular invoice.
If only a partial amount of a pre-invoice fee was paid, the partial amount is applied to the regular invoice.
Zero Amount Due Invoices
If the fee amount of a paid pre-invoice matches the total amount of the regular invoice to produce a zero-amount regular invoice, a regular invoice will print with a zero total only if you selected the Print Invoices with Zero Amount Due check box on the Misc tab of a project's billing terms.