Expense Methods Overview

You can specify an expense method and a consultant method for each project that you want to bill. The expense and consultant methods determine how Vision applies multipliers to these charges on the invoice.

Specify the Labor and Consultants methods on the Exp/Con/Unit tab of the Billing Terms form.

You can choose to bill:

You can bill consultant and non-consultant expenses using the same method or using a different method for each.

Expense Methods

Method Summary
No expense billing Non-consultant expenses are not billed for this project.
By account Expenses are billed by account and/or by project. An overall multiplier can be applied to all expenses, or multipliers can be established by account using Expense Account Tables.

This method is available for non-consultant and consultant expenses.

By category Expenses are billed by category (for example, travel, meals, or phone charges). An overall multiplier can be applied to all expenses or multipliers can be established by category using the Expense Category Tables.

This method is available for non-consultant and consultant expenses.

By vendor Expenses are billed by vendor. An overall multiplier can be applied to all expenses or multipliers can be established by vendor and/or project using Expenses by Vendor Tables.

This method is available for non-consultant and consultant expenses, but it is typically used for consultant expenses. This method allows you to have a multiplier based on the vendor, rather than account. In addition, the consultant name, rather than the account name, appears on the invoice.

No consultant billing Consultant expenses are not billed for this project.
Bill as expense This method is available only for consultant expenses.

This method allows you to bill consultant expenses with non-consultant expenses. Therefore, if you apply this method, consultant expenses are billed according to the reimbursable expense terms.