Settings and Terms that Affect Batch Billing

When you generate invoices from Batch Billing, Vision checks your settings for options in different areas of Billing.

Project Selection

To determine the projects for which you will generate invoices during a Batch Billing session, you enter selection criteria on the Main tab of the Batch Billing form.

A Previous Interactive Billing Session

Any modifications that you make to a project’s data during an Interactive Billing session are applicable when generating batch bills. For example, if you write off some expenses for a project on the Expense tab in Interactive Billing and then generate the invoice through Batch Billing, the expenses are still considered written off. Likewise, if you insert transactions during Interactive Billing, those transactions appear on the bill generated through Batch Billing. (Previous Interactive Billing modifications only affect Batch Billing if you do not generate the invoice during that Interactive Billing session.)

Project Billing Terms

Any modifications that you make to a project’s billing terms prior to running Batch Billing are applicable when you generate batch bills. For example, if you change the project’s labor method in the Labor Method field on the Labor tab of the Billing Terms form from By category to Rate table and then generate the invoice through Batch Billing, the labor is billed based on the Rate table method. If you select the Use as Project Reporting Default Terms for Fee Sections of Draft Invoices on the Billing Backup tab of Billing Terms, and you select to print the Billing Backup on draft invoices from the Batch Billing form, Vision uses project reporting default terms for fee invoices.

General Billing Setup

Any firm-wide modifications that you make to Billing Setup before you run Batch Billing are applicable when you generate batch bills. Ensure that settings on the Billing Setup form are configured correctly before you generate Batch Billing. For example, if you change the Next Invoice Number for your firm and then generate the invoice through Batch Billing, Vision uses the newly changed invoice number. If the Print Invoices with only A/R option is selected on the Billing Setup form, invoices without current activity but with outstanding accounts receivable will print on invoices, even if the Print Invoices with Zero Amount Due option is set to Never Print on the General tab of the Batch Billing form.

Default Billing Terms for New Projects

New projects without billing terms can use the default billing terms when generating draft invoices, if you select the option to do so from the Batch Billing form. You set up default terms in Billing Configuration.

Rate Table Maintenance

Any modifications you make to a project’s rate table, such as a rate change for a specific employee or category are reflected on the batch invoice.