Credit Card Statement Selection Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to set up new credit card statements to reconcile or access in-progress or closed credit card statement reconciliations.


This dialog box opens from two places.

To display the dialog box, complete the following step:

Complete either of the following:
  • From the Vision Navigation menu, click Accounting > Credit Cards > Credit Card Reconciliation.
  • On the Credit Card Reconciliation form (Accounting > Credit Cards > Credit Card Reconciliation), click New on the toolbar.



Field Description
Credit Card From the drop-down list, select the code of the credit card for which you want to reconcile charges. These are the primary credit cards that you set up in Configuration > Accounting > Credit Cards.

If you use multiple currencies in Vision, the currency for the credit card that you select displays beside the Credit Card field label.

Statement Status Select one of the following options in this field:
  • New — Select this option to start the reconciliation process for a credit card statement if you have not already started it. This enables the New Statement Date field.
  • In Progress — Select this option to continue the reconciliation process for a credit card statement that you previously started. This filters the list in the In Progress/Closed Statement Date field to include only in-progress statements for the credit card that you selected.
  • Closed — Select this option to review a credit card statement reconciliation that is complete and closed. This filters the list in the In Progress/Closed Statement Date field to include only closed statements for the credit card that you selected.
New Statement Date If you selected New in the Statement Status field, enter the credit card statement date in this field.

If you are importing credit card charges into Vision

Before you can import credit card charges into Vision, you must create a statement for the charges to be imported into. Because you can import charges before a credit card statement is finalized and closed by your credit card company, you can enter the expected date for the statement closing in the New Statement Date field. Or, you could enter the beginning date of the statement. The statement date is the identifier for a particular statement. You can change the statement date at any time using the Modify Date button on this dialog box.

If you are not importing credit card charges into Vision

Enter the date from your paper credit card statement in the New Statement Date field.

In Progress/Closed Statement Date If you selected In Progress or Closed in the Statement Status field, select the date for the credit card statement that you want to access from the drop-down list in this field.
Opening Balance If you are entering a new statement and this field is blank, enter the opening balance of the credit card statement. The opening balance would be any unpaid carryover balance from prior statements. If your statement was paid in full the prior month, the opening balance would be zero.

At any time while the statement is open (before the statement is reconciled and closed), you can change the opening balance in this field or in the Statement Beginning Balance field on the Main tab on the Credit Card Statement Reconciliation form.

Closing Balance If you are entering a new credit card statement, enter the closing balance from the statement. If you select an in-progress or closed statement on this dialog box, this field displays the closing balance for that statement.

At any time while the statement is open (before the statement is reconciled and closed), you can change the closing balance in this field or in the Statement Ending Balance field on the Main tab on the Credit Card Statement Reconciliation form.

Autoclear imported charges with entered charges based on Transaction This applies if you import charges from your credit card statement into Vision. Select this check box to have Vision automatically clear any charges for which the imported charge has a matching posted expense report or A/P disbursement. The Cleared check box on the Charges tab of the Credit Card Statement Reconciliation form is automatically selected for any charge with the same transaction ID whose imported amount matches the transaction amount posted in Vision. The matching amounts are displayed on the Charges tab in the Imported Amount and the Posted Amount fields for each transaction ID.

When you leave the Autoclear imported charges with entered charges based on Transaction check box cleared, you can review the charges on the Charges tab and manually select the Cleared check box for each charge as appropriate.


Field Description
Modify Date To change the statement date of an existing credit card statement, select the statement date in the In Progress/Closed Statement Date field. Then click this button and enter a new statement date on the Credit Card Statement Modify Date dialog box.
Select Click this button to access the credit card statement that you specified on the Credit Card Statement Selection dialog box.
Close Click this button to return to the Vision Navigation menu without adding or selecting a credit card statement to reconcile.
Help Click this option to open the online help system.