Import Credit Card Charges Process Overview

When you use the Credit Card feature, you can import credit card charges from your credit card company into Vision using the Vision Credit Card Reconciliation application.

First, you must download the credit card charges from your credit card company's web site. The credit card data must be in a text file format, such as a .txt or .csv file, before you can import it into Vision. The import file must contain the data, delimiters, and other formatting that you specify for a credit card on the Import tab in Vision Configuration > Accounting > Credit Cards.

You create a credit card statement in Vision in Accounting > Credit Cards > Credit Card Reconciliation in which to import the credit card charges. You can create a credit card statement in Vision before the actual credit card statement is finalized by your credit card company. This allows you to import credit card charges into Vision on an ongoing basis throughout the month as your credit card company posts the charges and makes the information available to you through their web site. This allows employees to add imported charges to their expense reports in a timelier manner.

After you create a credit card statement in Vision, you import charges into it using the Import > Import Charges option on the toolbar of the Credit Card Statement Reconciliation form. You can import credit card charges each day, week, month, or as needed.

The import is for the entire primary credit card, which includes the charges for all the secondary credit cards that are associated with a primary credit card. Employees are assigned to secondary credit card accounts.

After you import credit card charges, they display in the following locations in Vision for processing:
  • Accounting > Credit Cards > Credit Card Reconciliation > Charges tab

    Both the imported charges from your credit card company and the posted credit card charges that were entered through employee expense reports and A/P disbursements display on this tab. You clear a charge on this tab if it has a matching imported and posted Vision charge.

  • Time & Expense > Expense Report

    From the Credit Card pane on the Expense Report form, employees select imported, company-paid charges to add to an expense report. Only the charges from the secondary credit cards that are assigned to an employee display in the pane. An employee will not see the charges made by other employees.

Multiple Currencies

When you use multiple currencies in Vision, it is recommended that you import the Amount field, which is the transaction amount (currency of the receipt), the AmountCurrency field, which is the transaction currency (currency code), and the PaymentAmount field (amount paid by the credit card).

When all of these values are imported, Vision will use all these values when charges are added to an expense report. The exchange rate will calculate based on the imported transaction amount and the imported payment amount. For example, if an employee holds a credit card in GBP (United Kingdom Pounds) and travels to New York and pays for a hotel bill, the transaction currency would be USD (United States Dollars), the transaction amount would be the value of the expense (hotel bill) in USD, and the payment amount would be the value of the expense (hotel bill) in GBP.

If you only import the payment amount, Vision assumes that the transaction currency matches the payment currency.