Credit Card Review

Use Credit Card Review to search for and view credit card transactions in Vision.

The search results include credit card charges that are imported from your credit card company into Vision and credit card charges that are entered on expense reports and A/P disbursements in Vision.

In Credit Card Review you can:
  • See the total amounts that you paid to specific merchants by credit card over a specified time frame.
  • Search for a specific merchant to find the last time you paid them (magazine subscriptions, membership, and so on).
  • Search for and view credit card transactions across multiple credit cards, multiple credit card statements, and multiple companies (if you have multiple companies in Vision).
  • Review the detail for specific credit card transactions.
  • Search for and view a credit card charge by the transaction ID that is assigned by the credit card company.
  • See only cleared transactions, uncleared transactions, or both when you search and view credit card payment information.

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