Credit Card Review Form

Use the Credit Card Review form to view credit card transactions entered in Vision.


If you use multiple currencies in Vision, the amounts on the Credit Card Review form are in the currency of the credit card that you are reviewing, which is specified in Configuration > Accounting > Credit Cards. This is the currency in which you pay the credit card company. When you view the details for a credit card transaction in the grid, the amounts on the Detail dialog box are in the transaction currency of the Vision transaction.


To display the form, complete the following step:

From the Vision Navigation menu, click Accounting > Credit Cards > Credit Card Review.


Toolbar Options

Field Description
Help Click this option to open the Vision help system.

Credit Card Transaction Filter Section

Use the fields in this section to determine which credit card transactions to display in the Credit Card Charges grid on this form. Some of the fields that display in the filter section vary based on whether or not the credit card that you enter in the Credit Card field imports charges from a credit card statement into Vision. The variable fields are noted in the descriptions below.

Field Description
Credit Card Click in this field, and on the Credit Card lookup select one or more credit cards whose transactions you want to display in the grid. After you make a selection, this field displays Selected Credit Cards if you selected multiple credit cards, All Credit Cards if you selected all of them, and one credit card's description if you select only one credit card.

If you have multiple companies in Vision, the Credit Card lookup contains the credit cards for the companies that you have access to.

Statement Date Range and Date Range Options You must select either the Statement Date Range option or the Date Range option, and then enter the range of dates to display a set of credit card transactions in the grid.
  • Statement Date Range — If you select this option, select a beginning and ending statement date from the drop-down list in the two fields. This allows you to review credit card data from one or multiple statements that are entered in Credit Card Reconciliation. To select one statement, select the same statement date in both fields.

    A credit card statement in Vision is defined by the date entered in the Statement Date field on the Main tab of the Credit Card Statement Reconciliation form (Accounting > Credit Cards > Credit Card Reconciliation). Imported charges with or without matching posted expense report or A/P disbursement credit card charges are associated with a specific statement. Posted expense report and A/P disbursement credit card charges that do not have a matching imported charge in Vision are included on a statement based on the dates that are entered in the Range of Dates fields on the Main tab of Credit Card Reconciliation for the selected statement.

  • Date Range — If you select this option, enter a beginning and ending date for the range of credit card transactions that you want to display in the grid. The date is the transaction date for expense report and A/P disbursement charge transactions posted in Vision. For imported charges from a credit card statement, the date is the date imported with the charge. To select one date instead of a range of dates, enter the same date in both fields. You can click to open a calendar and select a date from the calendar.
Transactions to Include From the drop-down list, select All, Cleared, or Uncleared to determine whether only cleared, only uncleared, or both types of charges display in the grid. This refers to whether or not a charge is cleared on the credit card statement as specified on the Charges tab in Credit Card Reconciliation.
Search Merchant Description and Search Expense Report/Voucher Fields When you open the Credit Card Review application, the Search Merchant Description field displays by default. This field switches back and forth between Search Merchant Description and Search Expense Report/Voucher, depending on the credit cards that you select to view.

The Search Merchant Description field displays when you enter credit cards in the Credit Card field that have been set up to have credit card charges imported into Vision. The Search Merchant Description field also displays when you select a mix of credit cards that do and do not import credit card charges. Enter the name or description of a specific merchant if you want only the charges from that merchant to display in the grid. The merchant description is imported into Vision from the MerchantDescription field in the credit card statement import file. Vision applies wildcards before and after the text that you enter in this field. For example, if you enter Staples in this field, the search results include Staples, Staples Inc., My Staples, Staples Industries, and so on.

The Search Expense Report/Voucher field displays when you enter a credit card in the Credit Card field that is not set up to have credit card charges imported into Vision. In the Search Expense Report/Voucher field, enter the employee name and expense report name or enter the vendor name, invoice number, and invoice date if you want only the charges from a specific expense report or a vendor's voucher to display in the grid. Only posted expense reports or vouchers are retrieved. Vision applies wildcards before and after the text that you enter in this field. For example, if you enter Terry in this field, the search results include Terry Galvin, Terry Miller, David Terry, and so on.

Transaction ID and Search Transaction Description Fields When you open the Credit Card Review application, the Transaction ID field displays by default. This field switches back and forth between Transaction ID and Search Transaction Description Fields, depending on the credit cards that you select to view.

The Transaction ID field displays when you enter credit cards in the Credit Card field that have been set up to have credit card charges imported into Vision. The Transaction ID field also displays when you select a mix of credit cards, with some that import credit card charges and others that do not import credit card charges. If you want only the credit card transaction for a specific transaction ID to display in the grid for an imported charge, enter the ID in this field.

The Search Transaction Description field displays when you enter a credit card in the Credit Card field that is not set up to have credit card charges imported into Vision. In the Search Transaction Description field, enter the description of a transaction that you want to display in the grid. The description is from a line item that is entered on expense reports or A/P disbursements. Vision applies wildcards before and after the text that you enter in this field. For example, if you enter Computers in this field, the search results include Computers for new employee, Replacement computers, and so on.

Account Click in this field, and on the Account lookup select one or more general ledger accounts by which to filter the credit card transactions in the grid. This looks at the accounts that were entered for posted employee expense report and A/P disbursement transactions.

Although an Account field does not display in the Credit Card Transaction grid, you can view the account for a charge by selecting a charge in the grid and then clicking Details on the grid toolbar to open the Details dialog box.

Refresh Credit Card Transactions Click this button to display results in the Credit Card Transaction grid after you enter or change the criteria in the Credit Card Transaction Filter section.

Credit Card Transactions Grid

This grid displays credit card transactions that are determined by the criteria that you enter in the Credit Card Transaction Filter section on this form.

A row in the grid includes all transactions that are associated with an imported credit card transaction ID—the imported charge and any posted expense reports or A/P disbursements with the same transaction ID.

A row in the Credit Card Transactions grid could represent only one portion of a charge. This scenario occurs, for example, when a charge has been split between two different general ledger accounts on an expense report, and you have filtered the grid to display only one account. In this case, you can see the complete information for the full amount of the charge on the Details dialog box.

Credit Card Transactions Grid —Toolbar

Field Description
Credit Card Transactions Drop-Down Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:
  • To print grid data, click Print. When the Print Preview form displays, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into this field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Details Click this option to open the Details dialog box and review the details for a selected transaction.

Credit Card Transactions Grid — Fields

The fields that display in the grid vary based on whether or not the credit cards for the transactions in the grid are set up to import credit card statements into Vision. When there are transactions from imported charges in the grid, fields related to the imported information are included. When the transactions in the grid are from only credit cards that do not import statements, the fields in the grid are related to posted information.

Field Description
Credit Card This field displays a charge transaction's primary credit card code and secondary credit card code.
Transaction ID This field displays if there are credit card transactions in the grid whose credit cards are set up to have statements imported into Vision. This field displays the transaction ID that was imported from the credit card statement into Vision. You must include transaction IDs in the import file for the ID to display in this field.

The Transaction ID field is blank when an expense report is posted with a charge before the charge is imported from a statement into Vision (the imported charge was not added to the expense report). This field is also blank for credit card transactions whose credit card is set up not to have statements imported into Vision.

If a charge is split between multiple projects or general ledger accounts, it is possible for only one line item that makes up only part of the total charge to display in the Credit Card Transactions grid. This would depend on what you enter for filter criteria. You can view all lines for the charge on the Details dialog box by selecting the charge row in the grid and clicking Details on the grid toolbar.

Date This displays the transaction date entered for the expense report or A/P disbursement for the charge.
Merchant Description This field displays if there are any credit card transactions in the grid whose credit card is set up to have statements imported into Vision.

If an imported charge has a matching posted Vision charge for it, this field displays the name or description of the merchant from the imported charge from a credit card statement. If a posted Vision charge does not have a matching imported charge for it, this field displays the description from the posted Vision record.

Expense Report/Voucher This field displays only if all the credit card transactions in the grid are from credit cards that are set up not to have statements imported into Vision.

If a charge is from an expense report, the employee name and expense report name display in this field. If the charge is from an A/P disbursement, the vendor name, invoice number, and invoice date display in this field.

Currency This field displays only if you use multiple currencies in Vision. It displays the currency in which you pay the credit card. This currency is specified in Credit Card Configuration for a credit card.
Imported Amount This field displays if there are credit card transactions in the grid whose credit cards are set up to have statements imported into Vision. The field displays the amount from the imported Amount field for a charge. If you use multiple currencies in Vision, this field displays the amount from the imported PaymentAmount field.

The Import Amount field is blank if an expense report was posted with the credit card charge before the charge was imported into Vision (the posted transaction is not linked to an imported credit card transaction). The field is also blank for credit card transactions whose credit cards are set up not to import statements into Vision.

A total of the imported amounts displays in the grid below the Imported Amount field. If you use multiple currencies in Vision and the charges in the grid have a mix of currencies, the total will be blank.

Posted Amount This field displays the credit card charge amount from a posted Vision employee expense report or A/P disbursement. The field does not display in-progress, submitted, or approved transaction amounts. The field will also be blank for imported credit card transactions for which an employee has not yet added the imported charge to an expense report.

For credit card transactions that are imported into Vision that have an expense report posted for them, the amount in the Posted Amount field could be less than the amount in the Imported Amount field if the expense is split into multiple line items on multiple expense reports and only some portion of the total amount has been posted on an expense report.

Click the blue, underlined amount in this field to view more information about the charge in the Details dialog box. This is the same Details dialog box that opens if you select a charge and then click Details on the grid toolbar.

A total of the posted amounts displays in the grid below the Posted Amount field. If you use multiple currencies in Vision and the charges in the grid have a mix of currencies, the total will be blank.

Transaction Description This field displays only if all the credit card transactions in the grid are from credit cards that are set up not to have statements imported into Vision. This displays the description from a line item entered on an expense report or A/P disbursement for the charge.
Document This field applies for expense report charges. If Vision has been configured to allow you to upload supporting documents, click the icon in this field to open the Supporting Document dialog box to view any supporting documents, such as sales receipts, for a credit card charge for an expense report. The documents were previously uploaded when the expense report was entered in Time & Expense.
This field displays one of the following icons:
  • — This icon, which has a green check mark, indicates that one or more supporting documents has been uploaded for the charge. Click the icon to open and view any supporting documents on the Supporting Document dialog box.
  • — This icon, which has a blue up arrow, indicates that either there are no supporting documents uploaded for the charge, or Vision has not been configured to allow you to upload supporting documents. When you click the icon, the Supporting Document dialog box opens and contains no supporting documents, or you receive a message informing you that Vision has not been configured for supporting documents. Check with your system administrator about configuring Vision for uploading documents.
Cleared The check box in this field is selected if a charge has been cleared on the Charges tab in Credit Card Statement Reconciliation. The check box in this field is cleared if a charge has not been cleared on the Charges tab in Credit Card Statement Reconciliation.
Transaction Status This field displays if there are credit card transactions in the grid whose credit card is set up to have statements imported into Vision. It does not display if all transactions in the grid are from credit cards that are set up not to import statements into Vision.

If an imported charge has a matching charge entered on an expense report, this field displays the status of the expense report. Possible statuses are: Posted, In Process, Submitted, or Approved.

If a credit card transaction in the grid is from a credit card that is set up not to have statements imported into Vision, the Transaction Status field displays Posted. Only posted expense report charges display in the grid.

Click the blue, underlined status in this field to view more information about the charge in the Details dialog box. This is the same Details dialog box that opens if you select a charge and then click Details on the grid toolbar.