Accounts Payable Expense Codes

Accounts Payable expense codes allow for easier, more accurate data entry. They eliminate the need to know whether an expense is billable (reimbursable) or not billable (direct) to a client at the time of A/P voucher or A/P disbursement entry.

The general ledger expense account prefills during data entry based on the vendor and project that you enter for a voucher or disbursement. Accounts payable expense codes are optional.

Configuration Settings

Enter configuration information in the following locations:

  • Configuration > Accounting > System AP — On the Accounts Payable tab, complete the two settings to turn on the expense code feature.

  • Configuration > Accounting > System AP — On the Expense Codes tab, set up expense codes and their general ledger expense accounts. If you use the Multicompany feature, enter setup information on both the Expense Codes tab and Expense Codes Accounting tab.

  • Info Center > Vendors — On the Accounting tab, enter a default expense code that prefills when you enter an A/P voucher or A/P disbursement for the vendor.

  • Info Center > Projects — In the Bill by Default section of the Accounting tab, designate whether or not consultant type and other type expenses codes are billable by default when applied to a project on an A/P voucher or A/P disbursement. Enter an expense code override table, as needed.

  • Configuration > Accounting > Expense Code Override — Enter override tables if you need them. These are exception tables in which you assign bill by default settings to specific expense codes, which override the bill by default setting that applies to all the expense codes for a project. You enter an override table for a project on the Accounting tab in the Project Info Center.


When you use accounts payable expense codes, a vendor's default expense code from the Vendor Info Center prefills when you enter an A/P voucher or A/P disbursement.

  • An expense code does not prefill for a voucher or disbursement if a default expense code was not entered for the vendor in the Vendor Info Center.

  • When an expense code does not prefill, you can manually enter one for the voucher or disbursement. If you do not require expense codes (setting is in System AP Configuration), you can leave the expense code field blank and manually enter the general ledger expense account.

If you use the Multicompany feature, the default expense code is retrieved from vendor's accounting record that is associated with the project's company, not the active company.

Because an expense code has a reimbursable, direct, overhead, and promotional expense account associated with it, to determine which one prefills for the voucher or disbursement, Vision looks at the following settings after you enter a project for the voucher or disbursement.

  • A project's Charge Type (Regular, Overhead, or Promotional) on the Accounting tab of the Project Info Center.

  • A project's Bill by Default settings on the Accounting tab of the Project Info Center.

When you enter a project for an A/P voucher or A/P disbursement, the general ledger expense account is determined as follows.

Expense Account from the Expense Code Used .....


Overhead account

The project entered for the voucher or disbursement has an overhead charge type.

Promotional account

The project entered for the voucher or disbursement has a promotional charge type.

Reimbursable account

The project entered for the voucher or disbursement has:

  • A regular charge type.

  • Expenses that are billed by default.

Direct account

The project entered for the voucher or disbursement has:

  • A regular charge type.

  • Expenses that are not billed by default.