Key Performance Indicator Example

This is an example of a key performance indicator (KPI) that measures revenue goals for project managers. One project manager, Eric Nelson, has a different goal than all other project managers.

The following tables identify:

The following table identifies the entries made in the Key Performance Indicators grid on the Key Performance Indicators tab in Analysis Cubes Configuration. In this grid you enter one goal for all project managers.

Key Performance Indicators Grid Entries
Field Entry Notes
Measure Revenue This is the Revenue measure from the Revenue - Project Measure group. This KPI is tracking revenue.
Measure Type Numeric/Amount Revenue is tracked as a monetary amount.
Dimension Project Project Manager Revenue is being measured for project managers.
Timeframe Fiscal Period The time frame for measuring revenue is a fiscal period. (We will select a specific fiscal period in Excel.)
Default Goal 200,000 The default revenue goal for all project managers is $200,000 per year.
Status Method Percent of Goal The Default Goal Low Value and the Default Goal High Value amounts will be entered as a percentage of the goal.
Default Goal Low Value 80

A project manager's goal is considered to be met if revenue is at least $160,000. $160,000 is .80 * $200,000.

The goal is not met if revenue is less than $160,000.

Default Goal High Value 120

A project manager's goal is considered to be met if revenue is $240,000 or less. $240,000 is 1.20 * $200,000.

The goal is exceeded if revenue is more than $240,000.

A project manager's goal is considered met if revenue is between $160,000 and $240,000.

Trend Comparison Year to Year

Trend information is calculated by comparing years.

We will select the corresponding Fiscal Year dimension from the More fields folder in the Fiscal Periods dimension group in the Excel PivotTable Field List, to match the Year to Year setting in this Trend Comparison field.

Trend Low Percent 3.00 If the change between one year (the time frame we selected) and the next year is a decrease, and the decrease is more than 3.00%, then the trend is considered to be moving downward. If the decrease is less than the percentage entered in this field, the trend is neutral.
Trend High Percent 4.00 If the change between one year (the time frame we selected) to the next year is an increase, and the increase is greater than 4.00%, then the trend is considered to be moving upward. If the increase is less than the percentage entered in this field, the trend is neutral.
Label Revenue - Project Project Manager This is the name of the KPI. The default name is the KPI's measure and revenue expressed as measure - dimension.

Specific Goals Grid Entries

The following table identifies the entries made in the Specific Goals grid on the Key Performance Indicators Tab of Analysis Cubes Configuration Form in Analysis Cubes Configuration. In this grid you enter Eric Nelson's goal, which is different than the other project managers' goal.

Specific Goals Grid Entries
Field Entry Notes
Dimension Record Eric Nelson Eric's revenue goal is different than the $200,000 entered for all other project managers, so a separate goal is entered for him in the Specific Goals grid.
Year 2011 The goal for Eric applies for the year 2011 only.
Annual Goal 150,000 Eric's revenue goal is $150,000.
Goal Low Value 80

Eric's goal is considered to be met if his revenue is at least $120,000. $120,000 is .80 * $150,000.

The goal is not met if revenue is less than $120,000.

Goal High Value 120

Eric's goal is considered to be met if his revenue is $180,000 or less. $180,000 is 1.20 * $150,000.

The goal is exceeded if revenue is more than $180,000.

Eric's goal is considered met if his revenue is between $120,000 and $180,000.

Columns 1-12 Click the Distribute Annual icon on the Specific Goals grid toolbar. After you click the Distribute Annual icon, the annual goal amount of 150,000 is divided by 12 and 12,500 is entered in each column 1 – 12.

Selections from the PivotTable Field List In Microsoft Excel

From the Excel PivotTable Field List, select the following dimensions and measures:

PivotTable Field List Selections in Excel
Dimensions and KPI Notes
Dimension: Project Project Manager This is from the Projects folder in the Projects dimension group in the Excel PivotTable Field List.
Dimension: Fiscal Year This is from the More fields folder in the Fiscal Period dimension group in the Excel PivotTable Field List.
KPI: Revenue - Project Project Manager

This is from the KPIs group in the Excel PivotTable Field List. This is the KPI that we created in Vision Analysis Cubes Configuration.

Select the following check boxes beneathRevenue - Project Project Manager in the PivotTable Field List:

  • Value (Revenue)
  • Goal
  • Status
  • Trend

Excel Report Results

Project Manager Revenue Value Goal Status Trend Revenue Value Goal Status Trend
2010 2011
Sara Day 208,000 200,000 242,000 200,000
James Bartlett 158,000 200,000 198,000 200,000
Emily Carlton 205,000 200,000 195,000 200,000
Mike Post 198,000 200,000 201,000 200,000
Eric Nelson 119,000 150,000 152,000 150,000

Status symbols in Excel:

= Goal has been exceeded

= Goal has been met

= Goal has not been met

Trend symbols in Excel:

= Trending up

= Trending neutral

= Trending down