Connect for Microsoft Outlook Configuration Overview

On the Connect for Microsoft Outlook Configuration form, you specify the Vision database fields that determine duplicate records. These Vision database fields, known as natural keys, are compared between shared records in Outlook and Vision during the Connect for Microsoft Outlook synchronization process. This prevents duplicate records from being created in Vision.

These database fields identify unique individual Vision client, contact, opportunity, and vendor records so that the specific records are updated correctly in Vision. This prevents data for two different records from being merged together unintentionally when each record has the same entry in one or more of its fields.

For example, for Vision contacts, if you choose the first name field and the last name field as the fields to determine duplicate contacts, then any contacts with the same first name and last name are considered duplicate contacts (the same contact).

When Connect for Microsoft Outlook and Vision are synchronized, if duplicate records are found, you have the following options:

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