Performance Canvases and Role Security

You can specify that a security role have access to the Vision Performance Canvases application. If you do, the performance canvases display as URLs in the Available Web Dashparts column.

The canvases that display in the Available Web Dashparts column are those that are approved. The System Administrator must select the approved canvases in order for the role to have access to them. Canvases are usually designed for specific roles, so when a canvas is selected the System Administrator can assign rights to the canvas.

If you do not want a role to be able to add canvases as dashparts, select Web Dashparts in Functional Area on the Access Rights tab of the Roles form. Make sure that the Allow users to add web parts option is not selected. Users assigned the role can add to their Dashboards any of the Web dashparts that are made available to the role, but they cannot create new Web dashparts.

If you want a role to be able to add canvases as dashparts that other users can then add to their own Dashboards, complete the following:

If you want a role to be able to set up canvases as dashparts on their Dashboard and save that Dashboard for other users, complete the following: