Page 2 Tab of SF254 Proposals Form

Use the Page 2 tab to enter data, including experience profile codes, for Page 2 of an SF254 proposal.


Field Description
10. Profile of Firm's Project Experience... Government instructions: Select and enter, in numerical sequence, not more than thirty (30) Experience Profile Code numbers which most accurately reflect submitting firm’s demonstrated technical capabilities and project experience.

If you enter data in Block 7 through Select Present Offices, Vision calculates, for each profile code, the number of projects and the gross fee for each project.

For the firm selected in Block 1, Vision uses data for all projects:

  • Whose Organization on the General tab of the Project Info Center matches the Organization on the Associated Organizations tab of Firm Setup-Proposals,
  • Associated with the firm offices selected for Block 7,
  • With a Charge Type of Regular,
  • With the selected profile code shown in Project Codes on the Background tab of the Projects Info Center, and
  • With an Estimated Completion or Actual Completion date, as specified in the Dates & Costs tab of the Projects Info Center, greater than or equal to the base date you specify.

Vision adds the gross fees, shown in the Fees column of Project Codes on the Background tab of the Projects Info Center. Data is used for all projects associated with the offices selected for Block 7, and with an actual or estimated completion date greater than the base date.

You can enter this data manually, or click to use these options:

  • Add Profile Codes
  • Auto-Calculate Codes & Fees — Use this option to re-calculate the data in Block 10. Do this if project code counts or gross fee data have been changed in the Projects Info Center, for any of the profile codes you are using.
  • Delete Profile Codes — A Delete Item(s) form shows all of the profile codes that are in Block 10 now. Select the ones you want to delete.
  • Reorder Profile Codes — Use this option to change the sequence of the profile codes in Block 10 of a 254 proposal.
  • Select Profile Code Base Date — Use this option to select the base date for the selected code from a pop-up calendar.
  • Full Editor... — Use this option to open the block in the Vision Text Editor.
Field Description
11. Project Examples, Last 5 Years Government instructions: Using the Experience Profile Code numbers in the same sequence as entered in Block 10, give details of at least one recent (within last five years) representative project for each code number, up to a maximum of thirty (30) separate projects, or portions of projects, for which firm was responsible.

You can use a project as an example more than once, to show different services given for the same job. For example, a dining hall project may be part of an auditorium or educational facility.

The first seven projects are shown on Page 2. Projects eight through nineteen are shown on Page 3, and projects twenty through thirty are shown on Page 4.

You can enter data manually in Block 11, or click and select an option:

  • Add Projects — Select a project from theProject Lookup.
  • Add Profile Codes — The first three profile codes for the project are included automatically; use this option to select additional codes.
  • Delete Projects — Display the Delete Items dialog box, which lists all of the projects in Block 11. Select the projects you want to delete.
  • Reorder Projects — The Project Name and Location column of Block 11 shows projects in the sequence in which you added them. Use this option to change the sequence. Click each project that you want to move, then click Up or Down.
  • Full Editor — Use this option to open the block in the Vision Text Editor.

If you use the Add Projects option to add a project from Vision, the columns in Block 11 show the following data from the project's record in the Projects Info Center.

  • Profile Code — The first three profile codes listed in Project Codes on the Background tab.
  • P, C, JV, or IE — An abbreviation for the project Responsibility on the General tab.
  • Project Name and Location — The Project Name from the General tab, and Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, City, State/Province, Zip/Postcode, and Country from the Location tab.
  • Owner Name & Address — The Client selected with the Role "Owner" on the Client grid of the Clients/Contacts tab.
  • Cost Of Work (in thousands) — The data in Firm Cost on the Dates & Costs tab.
  • Completion Date (Actual or Estimated) — The date in Estimated or Actual Completion Date on the Dates & Costs tab.
  • Completion Date Comment — A comment about the completion date. If both Estimated or Actual Completion Date are empty, and Completion Date Comment has data, Vision displays the comment in this field.

If a Block 11 column has no data, or incorrect data, for a project that was added from Vision, this means that the same data is incorrect or absent in the project's record in the Projects Info Center. To enter data into the column in Block 11, delete the project from Block 11. Then enter or correct the data in the project's record and re-add the project to Block 11.