Employees Tab of SF255 Proposals Form

Use the Employees Tab to enter data for the Employees page of the SF255.


Field Description
7. Brief resume of key persons... Enter data manually into blocks 7a - f or click , Add Employees to display the Employee Lookup and choose employees from it. For each employee you add using Add Employees:
  • Vision enters data into blocks a, c, d, e, and f from the Employee Info Center. You must enter the data into block b.
  • You can use the menu options in Block 7g to add graphics and information about the employee's experience and qualifications.

You can also select:

  • , Delete Employees — Display a list of the employees that are currently in block 7 and delete the ones you do not want.
  • , Reorder Employees — Display a list of the employees that are currently in block 7. To reorder them, click an employee name then click Up or Down.
a. Name & Title For each employee you add using , Add Employees in block 7, Vision enters data in this row from the Name and Title fields on the General tab of the Employee Info Center.

You can also enter this data manually.

b. Project Assignment Enter the assignment or role that the person will be expected to fulfill on the proposed project.
c. Name of Firm with which associated For each employee you add using , Add Employees in block 7, Vision enters data in this row from the Organization connected to the company set up in Configuration > Organization > Firm Setup-Proposals.

You can also enter this data manually.

d. Years Experience For each employee that you add using , Add Employees in block 7, Vision calculates the number of years by using the data from Hire Date, Years with Other Firms, and Prior Years with this Firm on the General tab of the Employee Info Center.

You can also enter this data manually.

e. Education: Degree(s)/Year/Specialization For each employee you add using , Add Employees in block 7, Vision enters information from the Education grid on the Experience tab of the Employee Info Center. Vision selects those degrees in the Education grid for which the Include option is selected.

You can also enter this data manually.

f. Active Registration: Year First Registered/Discipline For each employee you add using , Add Employees in block 7, Vision enters information from the Licenses grid on the Experience tab of the Employee Info Center. Vision selects those licenses in the License grid for which the Proposals option is selected.

You can also enter this data manually.

g. Other Experience and Qualifications Use the options in the menu to add graphics and information about the employee's experience and qualifications:
  • Employee Layout — Determine whether employees are displayed one or two per page in block 7. You can choose different display options for different employees.
  • Select Graphics — If graphics files are connected to an employee on the Files tab of the Employee Info Center, you can use the Select Graphics option to enter the graphic file into block 7.
  • Resume by Category — Build a resume for an employee based on text categories. You can select from all of the text categories on the Resumes tab of the employee's Employee Info Center record.
  • Resume by Query with Project Restrictions — Build a resume for an employee based on projectrecords. You can select from all projects that include the employee on the Team tab of the project's Project Info Center record.
  • Resume by Query w/o Project Restrictions — Build a resume for an employee based on projectrecords. You can select any project, whether or not the employee is included on the Team tab of the project's Project Info Center record.