Resume By Query Dialog Box

Use this form to enter a resume by query. After you make a resume format, you can save it to use later.

Each user can specify one default format for custom proposals and one for SF255 proposals.


To display the Resume by Query form for Custom Proposals, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Proposals > Custom Proposal.
  2. Open an Employee Info Center section tab.
  3. On the grid toolbar, click Build Resume > Resume By Query w/Project Restriction or Build Resume > Resume By Query w/o Project Restriction.
  4. On the Project lookup, select the projects whose records you want to query, and click OK.
Alternative Procedure

To display the Resume by Query form for SF255 Proposals, click the Employees tab of the SF255 Proposals form. Then click in Block 7 g and select Resume By Query w/Project Restriction or Resume By Query w/o Project Restriction and select the projects whose records you want to query.


Field Description
Available Fields This is a list of all project data fields from which you can build a resume. Click a field to select it, and then click Add Selected Field.
Add Selected Field

Click this button after you select a field in the Available Fields list. The selected field are added to the text box on the right.

After you add a field, you must add two spaces before the next field in the text box. If you add a comma, add the second space after the comma.

If you select a state, currency or date field, a formatting dialog box shows options for formatting the selected data.

To have a proposal merge properly when a field is empty in your database, see the Resume by Query Preceding Separator Statements help topic.

Format Name

This is the unlabeled field to the left of the Save Format button. To save a format with a new name, enter the name here, then click the Save Format button.

To use a format that was previously saved, select a format from the drop-down list.

Default Check Box

This check box is enabled when you select a format in the Format Name field. Select this check box to use the selected format as your default format. You can specify two default formats—one for custom proposals and one for SF255 proposals.

Save Format Button Enter a name for the format you have created, then click this button to save the format for future use.
Delete Format Button Select a format from the Format Name drop-down list and click Delete Format to discard the format.
Text Box with the Resume Content This text box contains the project data fields that you selected from the Available Fields list.

Click the Edit icon to open the resume content and format in the Vision Text Editor.