Calendar and Activities Overview

A key component of lead follow-up, opportunity tracking, and project management is the ability to schedule activities and link those activities to your client, contact, lead, marketing campaign, employee, opportunity, and project records. Your activities can include phone calls, meetings, tasks, and other important business functions.

You must use the Vision Customer Relationship Management (CRM) application to access the Activity Calendar, the Activity Manager, and the activity scheduling tools in the Info Center. If you use the Vision Resource Planning application without CRM, you have access to the Activity Calendar only.

The Activity Calendar, Activity Manager, Info Center, and Dashboard applications share activity data. When you add, modify, or delete activity information in any one of these applications, your modifications are immediately available in the other three applications.

The exceptions to sharing are as follows:

If you use the Connect for Microsoft Outlook application, you select the Vision activity records to synchronize and share with Microsoft Outlook. You can update the shared records in either Vision or Connect for Microsoft Outlook. Then, you synchronize the data on a regular basis to keep the information between VisVisionion and Connect for Microsoft Outlook up-to-date. The online help in Connect for Microsoft Outlook provides information on how to use Connect for Microsoft Outlook.

In addition, you can use the Download Microsoft Integration utility to download files that allow you to share activity data between Vision and Microsoft Outlook.

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