Buttons on the Activity Dialog Box

Common buttons display on the tabs of the Activity dialog box.


Field Description
Create Follow-up Activity Click this button to schedule a follow-up activity. The details from the current activity are used to create a new activity, which you then modify to create the follow-up activity.
Designer Click this button to use Screen Designer to modify the content of the tabs on the Activity dialog box. You can:
  • Resize and move existing fields and labels.
  • Modify existing field labels and add new ones.
  • Determine whether or not fields should be hidden or locked based on role security.
  • Determine whether or not fields are required for Customer Relationship Management and Accounting.
  • Modify the order of tabs on the screen.
OK Click this button to close the Activity dialog box, save your entries, and schedule an activity.
Cancel Click this button to close the Activity dialog box without saving any modifications or activities that you scheduled.
Help Click this button to view help for the Activity dialog box.