Select Projects Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to select specific projects for an employee to add to an Employee Info Center section of a custom proposal.

This topic applies only if you use an Adobe InDesign merge template for the custom proposal section.

In addition to selecting specific projects in this dialog box, you must have added a merge code for associated projects and merge codes for specific project fields in the InDesign merge template that you created for the employee section of the custom proposal. In the merge template, if you chose to include all associated projects (instead of Proposal Projects), then you do not need to select projects in this dialog box.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Proposals > Custom Proposal.
  2. On the Custom Proposal form toolbar, click Sections, and set up a section for the Employee Info Center. After you set up and save a section for the Employee Info Center, a tab for it displays on the Custom Proposal form.
  3. Open the tab, and click Projects on the employee records grid toolbar.


Field Description
Add projects with restrictions Select this option to select only projects that are associated with an employee. These are the projects that are entered on the Projects tab in the Employee Info Center for an employee. When you select this option and click the Search button on this dialog box, the Project lookup displays only the projects that are associated with the selected employee.
Add projects without restrictions Select this option to select any project from your Vision database for an employee. When you select this option and click the Search button on this dialog box, the Project lookup displays all the projects in your Vision database.
Name and Number After you click the Search button on this dialog box and select projects on the Project lookup, the project number and name for each project that you selected display in the list on the Select Projects dialog box.
Move Up To move a project up in the list, click the project, and then click this button to move it up one row. The order that theprojects are displayed in the list is the order that they will display in a merged custom proposal document.
Move Down To move a project down in the list, click the project, and then click this button to move it down one row. The order that the projects are displayed in the list is the order that they will display in a merged custom proposal document.
Remove To remove a project from the list, click the project, and then click this button.
Search Click this button to open the Project lookup, and select the projects for an employee to include in the custom proposal section. The Add projects with restriction and Add projects without restriction options on this dialog box determine the list of projects that displays on the Project lookup. Select one of those options before you click the Search button.
OK Click this button to close this dialog box and apply any changes that you made since you opened the dialog box.
Cancel Click this button to close this dialog box and cancel any changes that you made since you opened the dialog box.
Help Click this button to open the help topic for this dialog box.