Alert Details Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to open the record that is associated with the dashboard alert.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Vision main toolbar, click Dashboard.
  2. In the Alerts dashpart, click an alert hyperlink for a record whose application uses an approval workflow. The Alert Details dialog box opens only if an alert is configured to not display the alert summary as an application link. This setting is a check box on the Dashboard Alert Configuration dialog box that you access when you add alerts to approval workflow steps in the Step Actions grid on the Workflow tab in Configuration > Approvals > Approvals Configuration.

    If an alert is configured to display the alert summary as an application link, when you click the alert hyperlink in the Alerts dashpart, the associated record opens directly in its application instead of displaying the Alert Details dialog box.


Field Description
Summary The summary field displays the summary (description) for the dashboard alert. The text box below the summary contains the alert content. These are configured for the alert in Approval Configuration in the Step Action grid on the Workflow tab of the Approval Configuration form.


Field Description
Open Record Click this button to open the record that is associated with the alert without navigating away from the dashboard. The record opens on a separate dialog box. On the dialog box, only the Approvals option is accessible on the application's toolbar, which allows you to approve or reject the record or reassign the approval step. You cannot edit the record. After you select an action in the Approvals drop-down list and complete the approval action, the Approvals option no longer appears on the toolbar. Any approval action that you take is saved when you click OK on the dialog box.

After you close the dialog box by clicking OK (or by clicking the X in the upper right corner of the dialog box), you are returned to the Alerts dashpart on the dashboard. The alert has been removed from the Alerts dashpart.

If you opened the record and took no action that is required, such as approving the record, a reminder alert will be sent only if reminder alerts are added to the approval step in Approvals Configuration.

If you are one of multiple people who can approve a record (but only one person is required to approve the record, not all), the dashboard alert is removed from your Alerts dashpart when any one of the approvers approves the record.

Navigate to Record Click this button to open the record that is associated with the alert directly in its application; the dashboard closes. You have access to all the usual toolbar options for the application, including the Approvals option, and you can edit the record.

After you click the Navigate to Record button and open a record, the alert is removed from the Alerts dashpart, and you must reopen the dashboard again if you want to continue working in it.

If you opened a record and took no action that is required, such as approving the record, a reminder alert will be sent only if reminder alerts are added to the approval step in Approvals Configuration.

Close Click this button to return to the dashpart alert without opening the record that is associated with the alert. The alert remains in the Alerts dashpart.