Employee Review Tab of Employee Payment Processing

Use the Employee Review tab to review cash requirements, payment data, and balance information for employee payments.


Grid Toolbar

Field Description
Show Detail Select an expense report in the grid, and then click this option to view more information about the selected expense report in the Expense Report Detail dialog box.
Cash Requirement Click this option to review the cash requirements for the employee payment processing run by employee or by bank in the Cash Requirements dialog box.
Select All Click this option to select all of the expense reports displayed in the grid for payment processing.
Deselect All Click this option to clear the Select check box for all the expense reports selected for processing.
Ledger Report Click this option to view the Unpaid Expense Report report. This report lists each expense report that is unpaid for the selected employee.

Grid Fields

Each row in the grid displays an expense report entered by an employee in Time & Expense > Expense Report.

Field Description
Select Click this check box to select the expense report in this row for payment processing.
Report Date This field displays the date of the expense report.
Report Name This field displays the name entered for the expense report.
Amount This field displays the total monetary amount that is owed an employee for all the expenses entered on the expense report.
Original Advance This field displays the amount entered in the Amount Advanced field on the expense report. This is cash that has previously been paid to an employee to cover expected expenses. The advanced amount that is applied to an expense report reduces the amount owed to the employee.
Applied Advance This field displays the cash that has previously been paid to an employee as an advance to cover expected expenses, but the employee has not yet applied the advance amount (in the Amount Advanced field) on an expense report.
Bank Code Select the bank code to use for paying the amount owed to the employee for this expense report.
Net Payment This field displays the difference between the amounts in the Amount and Applied Advance fields, which is the net amount to pay the employee for this expense report.

Payment Information Section

Field Description
New Advance Enter an advance amount to pay the employee in this payment processing run. This is money that you pay the employee to cover expected expenses. It is not money used to reimburse an employee for expenses they already paid with their own cash.
Bank Code Enter the bank code to use to pay the New Advance amount to the employee.
+ Net Payment This field displays the sum of the amounts in the Net Payment field in the grid for all expense reports that are selected for payment.
Total Payment This is the sum of the amounts in the New Advance field and the + Net Payment field. This is the total amount to be paid to the employee in this payment processing run.

Balance Information Section

Field Description
Current Ledger Balance This field displays the running balance of the amount that the company owes the employee or the amount that the employee owes the company before this employee payment is processed. A negative amount is what the employee owes the company. A positive amount is what the company owes the employee. The current ledger balance amount also included on the Unpaid Expense report that displays when you click Ledger Report on the grid toolbar.
- New Advance This field displays the amount that you entered in the New Advance field in the Payment Information section.
- Net Payment This field displays the amount from the + Net Payment field in the Payment Information section.
Balance After Payments This field displays the balance of what the employee will still owe the company or what the company will still owe the employee after this employee payment is processed. A negative amount is what the employee still owes the company. This is the advance amount that should be reported in the Amount Advanced field on future expense reports. A positive amount is what the company still owes the employee.