Expense Tab of Employee Info Center

Use the Expense tab to enter and maintain administrative information related to Vision Expense Report, an expense tracking tool that employees use to enter and submit expense reports.


Vision enables the fields on the Expense Groups grid when you select Group in the Level field. Use the Expense Groups grid to assign an employee to more than one group, with appropriate editing or approval privileges.


Field Description
Group Select an expense report group for the employee. You establish employee expense report groups on the Employee Groups tab of Company Expense Report Configuration.

If you use the Multicompany feature, only groups for the active company display in the Group drop-down list.

Administration Use the fields in this section to assign employee access rights to expense reports.

Select the administrative level for the employee to determine the employee's access to the Expense Report application.

  • Staff — Staff level gives the employee access to his or her expense reports only.
  • Group — Group level gives the employee access to expense reports for all employees within a particular group.
  • Company — Company level gives the employee access to expense reports for all groups and employees within a particular company. This option applies if your firm uses the Multicompany feature.
  • System — System level gives the employee access to expense reports for all groups and employees. You must designate at least one employee in your firm to have System level access.
Editing Vision enables this option when you select System in the Level field. Select this option to allow an employee with system-level access to edit all expense reports.
Approval Vision enables this option when you select System in the Level field. Select this option to allow an employee with system-level access to approve all expense reports.
Field Description
Insert Click this option to add an employee group to the Expense Groups grid.
Copy Click this option to copy employee group information from one row on the Expense Groups grid to a new row on the grid.
Delete Click this option to delete an employee group from the Expense Groups grid.
Company Use this drop-down list to select the company whose expense reports this employee can access.
Group Use the drop-down list to select the Expense groups whose expense reports this employee can access. If you use the Multicompany feature, the groups that display depend on the selected company.
Editing Select this option to allow the employee to open and edit expense reports for all employees in the specified group.
Approval Select this option to allow the employee to open and approve expense reports for all employees in the specified group.