Equipment Info Center Overview

Use the Equipment Info Center to track equipment for projects. The Equipment Info Center is available only if you have the Purchasing application activated in Vision.

Creating Equipment Items from the Purchase Order Process

Equipment items can be automatically generated from line items on purchase orders, change orders, and release orders for blanket purchase orders in the Purchasing application. Any type of purchase order (standard, blanket, or service) can generate equipment items.

Equipment items are generated automatically when you final print the purchase, release, or change orders if the following conditions are met:
  • The purchasing line item has a category whose type is Equipment or Capital Items. Inventory items cannot be added to the Equipment Info Center.

    Line items that you add in Purchasing are based on the items that you set up in Items Master configuration in Configuration > Purchasing & Inventory.

    You assign types to item categories on the Item Categories tab in Configuration > Purchasing & Inventory > System Settings. You specify categories for a company on the Item Categories tab in Configuration > Purchasing & Inventory > Company Settings.

    Inventory items have the Inventory Item check box is selected on the Inventory tab In Items Master configuration.

  • You entered one project (and only one project) to which to distribute the purchase order costs. The project is entered on the Default Distribution tab of the Purchase Order form.

Creating Equipment Items Directly in the Equipment Info Center

You can add equipment items directly in the Equipment Info Center without a purchase order. Like the equipment items that are automatically generated from the Purchasing application, the equipment items that you add directly to the Equipment Info Center are based on the items that you set up in Items Master configuration.

Equipment Item Reporting

You can produce a report or a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that contains equipment items when you use List View in the Equipment Info Center. When you click List View on the toolbar of the Equipment Info Center form and change the view to a list (grid), you can click the Equipment down-arrow in the grid toolbar to access the options to print or export the grid contents to Excel.

Viewing Equipment Items in Project Review

On the Equipment tab in Accounting > Project Review, you can view all the equipment items assigned to a project.


You can create a system dashpart to add the Equipment Info Center to your Vision Dashboard.

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