Labor and Expense History Loading Utility

Labor and Expense History is information about labor and expenses that your projects incurred before the installation cutoff date.

The following reports and processes are updated when you enter data on the Labor and Expense History form:

Labor Section

  • Job-to-Date Project Reports
  • Bill Processing
  • Time Analysis Report (if project is included)
  • Overhead (if project is set up to receive overhead)
  • Revenue Generation (if method is specified)

Expense Section

  • Job-to-Date Project Reports
  • Bill Processing
  • Revenue Generation (if method is specified)

Overhead Field

  • Job-to-Date Project Reports
  • Job-to-Date Overhead Report


If you are using the Multicompany feature, when you enter historical labor and expense information for your projects, you are doing so for all companies.


If you are using the Multicurrency feature, when you enter historical labor and expense information for your employees, Vision displays the following:

  • For Labor — Employee Currency Code, Employee Currency Rate, Employee Currency Amount, Project Currency Rate, Project Currency Amount, Functional Currency Rate, Functional Currency Amount, Billing Currency Rate, Billing Currency Amount
  • For Expense — Project Currency Amount, Functional Currency Amount, Billing Currency Amount
  • For Overhead — Functional Currency Amount, Project Currency Amount

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