Inventory Location

Vision Inventory includes a Locations feature, which lets you track inventory stored at different locations in your firm.

It is not necessary to use the Location feature. If you do use it, the locations you define depend on how formally your firm designates and refers to the places where it keeps its inventory items.

Examples of location types are warehouses, office locations, company locations, closets, shelves, bins, and aisles.

To enable the Locations feature, select the Allow Modify of Locations option on the Inventory tab of Configuration > Purchasing & Inventory > Company Settings.

If you clear the Allow Modify of Locations option, you must set up one default location on the Inventory tab of Configuration > Purchasing & Inventory > Company Settings.

Select the Allow Modify of Locations option to make the Default in Location for Inv Transactions option active. Select this option to cause Vision to put the item's Default Location in the Location field.

Vision uses these steps to determine a company's default location: