Special Projects for Labor Cross Charge

As part of Labor Cross Charge configuration, you must create one or more projects to use with Labor Cross Charge, and reference them with each organization that uses Labor Cross Charge.

The journal entry and labor adjustment transactions use special projects to direct accounting entries to the organization's General Ledger.

The special project's charge type, specified on the Accounting Tab of the Projects Info Center, must match the type of entry made for the project:


Firms typically use one of the following strategies to create each special project needed:

  • Create a unique project for each organization.
  • Create a unique project with multiple phases or tasks, one for each organization.

Naming Special Projects

Use ZZZ at the beginning of special project numbers created for Labor Cross Charge. This way, the special projects display at the end of search and lookup lists, separate from the rest of your projects.

For example, the Boston Organization's special project might be numbered ZZZBOS.00.