Checklist: Establishing Company-Specific Configuration Settings

To complete your company setup, you must either set or modify a number of additional configuration settings.

Before you begin, make sure that the active company is the one you want. If it is not, switch to a different company before proceeding. If you use Vision Intercompany Billing to track intercompany transactions and generate intercompany invoices and A/P vouchers, you will have additional setup steps to perform.

Company-Specific Configuration Settings

Software Path Form or Tab You Need to:
Configuration > General > Company Settings General Tab Specify the address and default formatting settings for new users.
Currency Tab If you use Vision Multicurrency, check the enabled currencies for the new company.
Configuration > General > Holiday Calendar Holiday Configuration Form Specify the holiday calendar and non-working days, which affect Timesheet Entry and Planning.
Configuration > Security > Users General Tab

Generate Users Tab

Create user records specific to the new company.
Configuration > Organization > Codes Organization Codes form Modify organization names, to clarify company-organization relationships.
Configuration > Planning > Plan Settings Plan Settings Form Specify settings to serve as the default values for new plans created when the new company is the active company.
Configuration > Billing > General General Tab of Billing Setup Specify billing process settings for the new company.
Accounts Tab of Billing Setup Specify invoice posting accounts, unless you copied the chart of accounts from an existing company.
Configuration > Billing > Default Terms Default Billing Terms Form Specify the default values for new billing terms set up for the projects, phases, and tasks owned by the company. In particular, you must configure Invoice Override Accounts on the Misc tab if the chart of accounts and billing default terms were not copied from an existing company record.
Configuration > Accounting > Company Settings General Tab Check that the Default Bank for Employee Expenses option is set to a bank code owned by the active company.
Accounts Tab Specify company and intercompany accounts.
Posting Tab Specify all accounts, unless you copied the chart of accounts from an existing company. For credit distributions, specify projects, phases, and tasks owned by the active company.
Organization Tab Select an organization for intercompany postings.
Timesheets Tab Check the benefit accrual frequency.
Cross Charge Tab Specify all accounts, unless you copied the chart of accounts from an existing company.
Tax Auditing Tab Make sure that the Default Tax Code, if applicable, is set to a tax code owned by the active company.
Configuration > Accounting > Employee Types General Tab Specify any new employee types needed in the new company.
Accounting Tab For any employee type valid in the new company, specify direct and indirect posting accounts.
Configuration > Accounting > Time Analysis Benefit Accrual Setup Tab Specify any accrual codes to be associated with time analysis project ranges for the new company.
Time Analysis Setup Specify the time analysis accounts and accrual codes to be associated with project ranges for the new company, if the chart of accounts and the time analysis setup were not copied from an existing company.
Configuration > Accounting > Company AP Accounts Payable Tab Specify an A/P Check Template for the new company, and the voucher number range to be reserved for the company if automatic voucher numbering is not enabled. The range you enter cannot coincide with a range entered for any other company in your enterprise.
Liability Codes Tab Specify liability codes for the new company. You cannot copy liability codes from an existing company record.
Vendor Types Tab Specify, for each vendor type, the liability code to use when posting transactions to this vendor type.
Discount Codes Tab Specify discount codes for the new company. You cannot copy discount codes from an existing company.
Configuration > Accounting > Accounts Receivable Invoice Mapping Accounts Tab Specify the implicit posting of invoices to the appropriate accounts receivable accounts and map your revenue account postings to report columns.
AR Mapping Accounts Tab Map your accounts receivable accounts entered for cash receipts to columns on the Accounts Receivable Ledger.
Configuration > Accounting > Overhead Allocation General Tab Specify the variance projects, phases, and tasks for assigning overhead. The projects, phases, and tasks must be owned by the active company.
Accounts Tab Specify the accounts that contain expenses to include in the overhead allocation base.
Configuration > Payroll > General General Tab


Other Pay Setup

If your firm is using Vision Payroll, you must specify payroll information on all tabs, for each company in your enterprise. Payroll setup is company-specific and cannot be copied from an existing company.
Configuration > Accounting > Withholding Codes Payroll Withholding Setup Form If your firm is using Vision Payroll, you must specify withholding information for each company in your enterprise. Withholdings setup is company-specific and cannot be copied from an existing company.
Configuration > Time & Expense > Company Timesheet

Setup Tab

Calendar Tab

Global Comments Tab

Employee Group Tab

Line Item Approval Tab

Ratios Tab

Miscellaneous Tab

If your firm is using Vision's Time and Expense application and you did not copy timesheet settings from an existing company, you must establish calendar and employee group settings for the new company.

If you did copy timesheet setup from another company, make sure the settings are valid for the company you are creating.

Configuration > Time & Expense > Company Expense Setup Tab

Employee Group Tab

Line Item Approval Tab

Miscellaneous Tab

If your firm is using Vision's Time and Expense application and you did not copy expense report settings from an existing company, you must establish employee group settings for the new company.

Whether or not you copied an existing company, you must specify on the Setup tab, the projects, phases, and tasks to be used for the Company Paid Default Information options.

Configuration > Time & Expense > Timesheet Categories Timesheet Special Categories Form If your firm is using Vision's Time and Expense application and you did not copy timesheet categories from an existing company, you must establish them for the new company.

If you copied timesheet categories from an existing company, you still must select the projects, phases, tasks, and associated queries that are part of the special labor charge categories.

Configuration > Time & Expense > Expense Categories Expense Report Categories Form If your firm is using Vision's Time and Expense application and you did not copy expense report categories from an existing company, you must establish them for the new company.