Multicompany Overview

The Multicompany feature provides you with a comprehensive view of the transactions, interactions, and activities of all the companies in your enterprise. It allows you to track data for multiple legal entities using a single database and also makes it easy for you to complete and report on intercompany transactions, including intercompany billings.


The Multicompany feature lets you:

  • Track an unlimited number of separate companies using a single database.

  • Operate Vision using data for one company, then switch to another company without logging off and on.

  • Set up projects so that different phases and tasks are owned by different companies.

  • Establish business rules at both the enterprise level and at the company level, allowing for consistent and meaningful enterprise-wide reporting, as well as flexibility at the company level.

    • In general, you establish business rules and structures at the enterprise level. For example, you establish the work breakdown structure, the chart of accounts structure, and the organization structure at the enterprise level.

    • Then, on a company-by-company basis, you establish the project, account, and organization records that fulfill each company's needs.

  • Set up role-based security between and within companies.

  • Share resources across company boundaries, thus keeping employees fully utilized while balancing competing project needs.

  • Produce consolidated reports that include data from many or all of the companies in the enterprise.

  • Integrate the Multicompany feature with the Multicurrency featue, which supports the use of any number of global currencies.

Unique Record Identifiers

Each record key, such as a project number, account number, or transaction file name, must be unique across the enterprise.

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