IQ Info Tab of Opportunity Info Center

Use the IQ Info tab to view the detailed opportunity information transferred from the GovWin IQ Info Web service to Vision.

If you use this feature, you subscribe to the GovWin IQ market intelligence and lead generation service to identify and track government procurements, as configured in the GovWin IQ Web Service utility.


General Group Box

The General group box displays overall information for this opportunity. This information is transferred from the GovWin IQ Web service.

Field Description
Last IQ Sync This field displays the last date that the GovWin IQ record was loaded/updated into Vision.
Program Name This field displays the opportunity name as it displays in GovWin IQ.
Acronym This field displays the acronym for this name in GovWin IQ.
Current Status This field displays the opportunity's status, such as Pre-RFP or Awarded, as it appears in GovWin IQ. The status identifies which phase the procurement is in during the acquisition cycle.

Click Edit to use the Text Editor to enter information.

IQ Analyst Update This field displays the last date that an update was made to the opportunity record in GovWin IQ.
IQ ID This field displays the unique identifier that is used to match GovWin IQ Opportunity records coming into Vision. If there is a match on this field, the updates from GovWin IQ will occur on the record. If there is no match on this field, the Web service will create a new opportunity record in Vision that is based on the GovWin IQ Opportunity record.

If you change this number, be sure to save the record.

Department This field displays the governmental department to which this opportunity belongs.
Agency This field displays the government agency to which this opportunity belongs.

Key Dates Grid

Use the Key Dates grid to view the opportunity's milestone dates. These dates are transferred from the GovWin IQ Web service.

Field Description
Insert Click this toolbar option to insert a new date.
Copy Highlight a row in the grid and then select this option to copy the row.
Delete Highlight a row in the grid and then select this option to delete it.
Milestone This field displays important dates for this opportunity, such as the Award Date (awardDate) and the Solicitation Date (RFPDate). This information is transferred from the Procurement Timeline section of the opportunity in GovWin IQ.
Date (IQ Estimate) This field displays the date of each milestone listed. If the date is an estimated date, (GovWin IQ Estimate) displays next to it.

Detail Grid

Use the Detail grid to view detailed information for this opportunity. This information is transferred from the GovWin IQ Web service.

Field Description
Solicitation Number This field displays the RFP number for the opportunity as transferred from GovWin IQ.
Estimated Value ($K) This field displays the potential value of the contact, in thousands, as transferred from GovWin IQ.
Competition Type This field displays the competition type of the opportunity, such as GSA Schedules or Woman Owned Set-Aside, as transferred from GovWin IQ.

This field displays the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code of the opportunity as it displays in GovWin IQ.

The NAICS code is a government designed code used to identify the industry in which your company operates, and is comprised as follows:

XX Industry Sector (20 broad sectors up from 10 SIC)

XXX Industry Subsector

XXXX Industry Group

XXXXX Industry

XXXXXX U.S., Canadian, or Mexican National specific

IQ Opportunity Link This field displays the Web site address of the government agency associated with this opportunity, as transferred from the Online Resources section of GovWin IQ.
Duration This field displays the total duration of time that the opportunity is expected to span, as transferred from the Duration field in GovWin IQ.
Contract Type This field displays the type of opportunity as transferred from the Contract Type field in GovWin IQ, such as Time and Materials or Task Order.
Primary Offering This field displays the primary type of firm that should respond to this opportunity, such as Professional Services, IT Management Consulting, or Research and Development.
Comments This field displays the comments entered for the opportunity in GovWin IQ.

Click Edit to use the Text Editor to enter information.

Summary This field displays the summary of the opportunity, as transferred from the Program Description section in GovWin IQ.

Click Edit to use the Text Editor to enter information.

Potential Bidders This field displays the other competitors for this opportunity, as transferred from the Potential Participants section in GovWin IQ.

Click Edit to use the Text Editor to enter information.

Procurement Activity This field displays notes about the status of the opportunity, as transferred from the Procurement Activity section in GovWin IQ.

Click Edit to use the Text Editor to enter information.

Program Description This field displays a full description of the opportunity (including Summary, Background, Requirements, and Funding/Contract Value), as transferred from the Program Description section of GovWin IQ.

Click Edit to use the Text Editor to enter information.

Key Contacts Grid

Use the this grid to view contact information for this opportunity. This information is transferred from the GovWin IQ Web service.

Field Description
Insert Click this toolbar option to insert a new contact
Copy Highlight a row in the grid and then select this option to copy the row.
Delete Highlight a row in the grid and then select this option to delete it.
Name This field displays the first name of the key contact for the opportunity.
Last Name This field displays the last name of the key contact for the opportunity.
Title This field displays the title of the key contact for the opportunity.
Phone This field displays the telephone number of the key contact for the opportunity.
Email This field displays the email address of the key contact for the opportunity.
Contact Type This field displays the type of the key contact, such as Contracts Office or Program Office.

Added By Grid

Note that you cannot change the information displayed in this grid. As a result, the Insert, Copy, and Delete toolbar options are always disabled.

Field Description
Name This column displays the names of all employees who clicked the link in GovWin IQ to import this opportunity into Vision. (An opportunity can be imported multiple times.)

You can click a name to display the employee's record in the Employee Info Center.