Consolidated Reporting Setup Overview

If your firm uses the Multicompany feature, you may want to generate consolidated financial statements for multiple companies. Consolidated Reporting Setup lets you set up this grouping.

Consolidation Groups

A consolidation group is a group of companies for which you want to produce consolidated financial statements. When you set up consolidation groups, you give the group a name and establish elimination accounts for it. If you use the Multicurrency feature, you also set up currency translations rules.

Deltek recommends that you create one consolidation group that includes all companies in your enterprise, to make it possible to generate enterprise-wide general ledger reports. You can set up as many additional consolidation groups as you need.

You can use consolidation groups in the following Vision applications:

  • Consolidations (Accounting)

  • Consolidated GL Budgeting (Accounting)

  • Consolidated GL Reports (Reporting)

Consolidation Groups Example

For example, if your headquarters are in the United States, you might have three consolidation groups:

  • Global — a consolidation group that includes all companies, with US dollars (USD) as the group's currency.

  • Europe — a consolidation group that includes only European companies, with euros (EUR) as the group's currency.

  • Canada — a consolidation group specific to Canadian companies, with Canadian dollars (CAD) as the group's currency.

Additional Information

Deltek recommends that you review these topics in the Concepts help before you establish consolidation groups or generate Consolidated GL reports:

  • Consolidated Reporting and Multicompany

  • Consolidated Reporting and Multicurrency

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