Project Budgeting Overview

Use the Project Budget Worksheet to manage labor budgets and expense budgets for your projects. You can set up budgets for individual labor codes and expense accounts, at both cost and billing rates.

The estimate-to-complete numbers that you enter should be the project manager’s estimate of the number of hours and/or the monetary amount required to complete a component of the project.

Deltek recommends that you periodically enter percent completes to reflect the projects' current level of completion. That way you can monitor each project's cost in relation to its overall progress. You can also use the worksheet to experiment with project budgeting scenarios, before posting them to your database. Vision calculates new totals and percentages based on the latest data that you entered.

With the Project Budget Worksheet, you can set up budgets for individual labor codes and expense accounts, at both cost and billing rates. You can periodically update both percent completes and estimate-to-complete (ETC) amounts for labor codes and expense accounts. Budgets remain in effect until you enter new amounts that overwrite them.

The job-to-date hours and spent amounts on the Project Budget Worksheet are based on the actual labor and expense postings that you make after the project is underway. If job-to-date hours and amounts have been posted to the project via timesheets, they display on the Project Budget Worksheet even if the budget has not been entered.

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