Approval History Dialog Box for Purchase Requisitions

Use this dialog box to view a log of all the actions performed on the purchase requisition. This dialog box is available when an approval workflow is used for approving purchase requisitions.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Vision Navigation menu, click Purchasing > Purchase Requisitions.
  2. On the Progress tab, click History. The approvals workflow must be used to gain access to the Progress tab.


History Grid

Field Description
Step This column displays the step number based on the configured workflow.
Description This column displays the description of the step.
Previous Approval Status This column displays the previous status of the step based on the configured workflow.
Responsibility This column displays the role that is responsible for the log.
Name This column displays the name of the employee that performed the step.
Due Date This column displays the date when the step is due.
Step Start Date This column displays the date when the step was started.
Action Taken Date This column displays the date when the employee performed an action for the step.
New Approval Status This column displays the new status of the step after the needed action was performed.
Comment This column displays the comment made for the step.