Purchase Orders Overview

Use the Purchase Orders application to keep track of what you are buying and the vendors from whom you purchase items.

You can create purchase orders from requisitions, requests for price quote, or from other purchase orders. You can track purchase orders and items for your purchase orders. You can use blank and service purchase orders, up to a given amount and through a date that you specify. You can keep an audit trail of purchase order changes. You can also track and reverse committed expenses and display them in project reports.


If you use the Multicompany feature:

  • Each purchase order is owned by a specific company. When you look up a purchase order, the search results list displays the purchase orders that belong to the active company.
  • The vendors available are those with accounting set up for the active company.


If you use the Multicurrency feature:

  • You can create a purchase order from more than one purchase requisition and request for price quote, but all of them must use the same transaction currency.
  • Vision uses the functional currency of the active company to compare and apply buyer and approver authorization limits in the purchase order submission, approval, blanket purchase order, and release processes.
  • After you final print a purchase order, Vision calculates and keeps data for its committed expense in the functional currency of the company that own the project, phase, or task and in the project's project currency. For the amount of the billing extension, in the project or billing currency. You specify the currency basis by selecting or clearing the Use billing currency not Project currency option in Configuration > Accounting System Settings > Reporting at billing rates.

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