Toolbar of Purchase Orders

Use the toolbar to create and modify purchase order records.


Field Description
Save Click this option to save the changes that you make on the Purchase Orders form. This option is not available in List View.
New After you click this option, select one of the following:
  • Click New PO to open a blank purchase order form and enter a new purchase order.
  • Click Copy Current PO if you want to create a new purchase order that is similar to the purchase order you currently have open on the Purchase Order form. The contents of the existing purchase order are copied to a new purchase order record that you can then modify.
  • Click Select PO to Copy if you want to create a new purchase order that is similar to another purchase order. On the Purchase Orders lookup dialog box that displays, select the existing purchase order to copy. The information from the existing purchase order prefills in a blank purchase order form, which you can modify to create a new purchase order..
  • Click Create PO from Requisitions to open the Create P.O. From Requisitions dialog box on which you can create a purchase order from a requisition.

  • Click Create PO from Price Quote Requests to open a dialog box on which you can create a purchase order from a request for price quote.

Delete PO Click this option to delete the purchase order that is displayed on the Purchase Orders form. You can delete purchase orders that are in progress, submitted, or not submitted, but not purchase orders that are approved.

When you delete a purchase order, it is removed permanently from the Vision database. You cannot undo this step.

This option is not available in List View.

Submit This option applies whether or not you use approval workflows to approve purchase orders. Any user who has access to the Purchase Order application can create and submit purchase orders. The Submit option is enabled after you save a purchase order.

When you use an approval workflow for approving purchase orders: Click this option to submit the purchase order and start the approval process. If you are an approver for purchase orders, after a purchase order is submitted, the Approvals option displays on the toolbar of the Purchase Orders form so that approvers and/or the workflow approval administrator can approve, reject, or reassign the approval step. (You turn on the use of an approval workflow for approving purchase orders in Configuration > Purchasing & Inventory > Company Settings.)

When you do not use an approval workflow for approving purchase orders: Click this option to change the status of the purchase order from In Progress to Approved (in the Status field on the General tab of the Purchase Orders form).

The Close and Reject options on the toolbar are enabled after you click the Submit option.

Process This option displays after you final print a purchase order.
Click this option, and select one of the following options from the drop-down menu:
  • Cancel PO — This applies for standard and service type purchase orders. Use this option to cancel a purchase order after it has been final printed but before an accounts payable voucher has been created for it.
  • Change Order — Use this option to enter a change order for all types of purchase orders that are final printed.
  • Release Blanket PO — Use this option to make incremental purchases against a blanket purchase order.

The Process option is not available in List View.

Reject This option displays when you do not use an approval workflow for approving purchase orders. It displays only after a purchase order has been submitted (and it now has an Approved status) and only if you are entered as a buyer with rights to edit purchase orders. Buyers are specified in the Buyers grid on the Buyers tab in Configuration > Purchasing & Inventory > Company Settings. Editing rights are specified by selecting the Edit All PO check box for a buyer in the Buyers grid.

Click this option to reject a purchase order. Its status changes from Approved to Rejected in the Status field on the General tab of the Purchase Orders form.

After you reject a purchase order it can be edited by users who are designated as buyers with purchase order editing rights on the Buyer tab Purchasing & Inventory Company Settings.

When you use an approval workflow for approving purchase orders, the Reject option is located in the Approvals option drop-down menu.

Approvals This option displays when you use an approval workflow for approving purchase orders. You specify whether or not purchase orders use an approval workflow on the General tab in Configuration > Purchasing & Inventory > Company Settings. You set up the approval workflow in Configuration > Approvals > Approval Configuration.

This option displays after a purchase order is submitted if you are an approver for the current step of the approval process.

If you reassign the current approval step and select the Move Assignment option on the Change Assignment dialog box, the Approvals option is removed from the toolbar for the employee whom you entered in the From field on the dialog box, who is no longer is assigned to the approval step. If the employee who is removed from the assignment is the approval administrator for the approval workflow, then the Approvals option remains on the toolbar.

Click this option, and then select one of the following items from the drop-down list:

  • Approve — Select this option to approve the purchase order. On the Approve dialog box, enter a comment as needed, and click OK. The approval process continues to the next step based on the configured approval workflow for purchase orders. This option is not available if you made changes to the purchase order. This option is not available in the List View.
  • Reject — Select this option to reject the purchase order. On the Reject dialog box, enter a required comment and click OK. Based on the configured approval workflow for purchase orders, the purchase order could be sent back to the employee who submitted it, or it could be canceled.

    The Reject option is not available if you make changes to a purchase order. It is also not available when None is selected in the Reject Action field on the Workflow tab in Approvals Configuration for an approval workflow step.

    While in List View, you can reject one or multiple purchase orders on the grid. The Reject dialog box also opens when you reject an approval request in List View. In this case, you are required to enter a comment, which is saved for all the selected purchase orders that you are rejecting.

  • Review — This option applies if an approval workflow step has been configured to allow you to edit a purchase order during the approval process. If you edit a purchase order, the Review option replaces the Approve and Reject options. Select Review after you make edits. Based on the configured approval workflow for purchase orders, the purchase order is sent to the next approval step or sent back to the first approval step to restart the approval process. This option is not available in the List View.
  • Reassign — This option is available if the approval workflow for purchase orders allows approvers to reassign the approval step (the Allow Approvers to Reassign check box is selected on the General tab in Approvals Configuration for the approval workflow). The option is also available if you are the approval administrator for the purchase order approval workflow. Select this option to open the Change Assignment dialog box and assign an additional employee to the current approval step for the purchase order or move the approval assignment from one approver to another employee.
  • Do Required Action — This option is available only in the List View. Select this option to send one or more purchase orders to the next step based on the configured approval workflow for purchase orders. The Approve dialog box opens if one or more purchase orders requires your approval. Entering a comment on the Approval dialog box is optional. Any comment that you enter is applied to all the selected purchase orders that you are approving.
Close Click this option to close the purchase order that is displayed on the Purchase Orders form.

This option displays on the toolbar if the Close PO check box is selected for your name in the Buyers grid on the Buyer tab in Configuration > Purchasing & Inventory > Company Settings.

Print Click this option, and then select one of the following options from the drop-down menu:
  • Print Current PO — Select this option to print the purchase order that is displayed on the Purchase Orders form. It opens the Purchase Order Form report options dialog box from which you select reporting options and then print the purchase order. On this dialog box, you select whether to print a draft, final, or reprinted purchase order.

    To print using a previous version of Vision's printing technology (with slightly different formatting), press the CTRL key on your keyboard while you click Print Current PO at the same time.

  • Select PO — Use this option to select a different template with which to print the purchase order that is displayed on the Purchase Orders form. This opens the Purchase Order Form report options dialog box from which you select another template in the Override Purchase Order Template field and then print the purchase order.
  • Print Summary Report — Select this option to generate the Purchase Order Status report.
Detail View /List View Either the Detail View or the List View option, but not both are available on the toolbar.
  • Detail View — This option is available while you are on the List View of the form. Click this option to change to the Detail View and display the information on tabs. This is the default view that displays when you open the form. The Detail View is the view that is described in help topics.
  • List View — This option is available while you are on the Detail View of the form. Click this option to change from the Detail View to the List View and display the information as a grid on the form. The fields for each record are displayed in columns in a grid rather than on separate tabs. In the grid, you can display one or more records at a time. You can add, remove, or change the order of the columns in the grid by clicking the Select Fields option on the grid toolbar. On the grid toolbar, you also have the access to grid options on the grip drop-down:
    • To print grid data, click Print. When the Print Preview form displays, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
    • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
    • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into this field, in the sequence that you want them to display.
Help Click this option to display the Vision online help for purchase orders.