Receiving Overview

Use Receiving to record the receipt of delivery for items in purchase orders. The purchase order must be final printed. For blanket orders, you can record receipt of an item for a release order, but not for the blanket order itself.

You can:

Security Access

  • You cannot edit a receiving or receipt record that you did not create.
  • When the Inventory feature is enabled, you can adjust an inventory item's quantity, if the Allow Modify of Inventory Qty In Receiving option is selected on the Inventory tab of Configuration > Purchasing & Inventory Company Settings.

Excess Receiving

The Purchasing application has an option for excess receiving on the purchase order's Agreement tab. When this option is selected:

  1. Vision compares the quantity received to the quantity that stayed on the order at the time of receipt.
  2. If the difference between the quantity received and the quantity ordered is more than the percentage or amount that is specified on the Agreement tab, Vision marks the receipt as an overshipment.
  3. Vision prevents you from completing the receiving procedure.

Inventory Feature

When the Inventory feature is enabled:

  • The Line Items grid on the Receiving form also displays inventory fields.
  • The Purchase Order Receiving Report displays these inventory fields.


If you use the Multicompany feature:

  • A specific company owns each purchase order. When you look up a purchase order, the search results list of available purchase orders displays the purchase orders that belong to the active company.
  • The vendors available are the vendors that have accounting set up for the active company.
  • Each project is available to one or more companies as shown by its record, in the Restrict Charge Companies option and grid at Info Center > Projects > Accounting tab.

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