Status Codes for Purchase Orders

Purchase order status codes show where a purchase order, release order, or change order is in the purchasing process.

As key events occur for a record, Vision updates the status in the Status field on the Genera tab of the Purchase Orders entry form. Key events for a record include changing its information, sending a purchase order to an approver, approving a purchase order, and recording receipt of a delivery.

Status Description Can Be:

N - In Progress

  • A user is completing a form or dialog box for the purchase order
  • A user has changed the purchase order, but the user has not sent the purchase order to an approver for approval.
  • Copied, changed, submitted, and deleted by a creator or buyer who has the necessary security access.
  • Opened, changed, and submitted by approvers for whom Edit All PO is selected on the Buyer tab in Configuration > Purchasing & Inventory > Company Settings.

S - Submitted

  • A buyer has sent the purchase order to an approver for approval.
  • If the purchase order money quantity is inside the buyer's approval limit, the purchase order's status changes to Approved immediately after the buyer sends it to the approver.
  • Copied, opened, changed, and deleted by a creator or buyer who has the necessary security permission.
  • Opened and changed by Approvers for whom Edit All PO is selected on the Buyer tab in Configuration > Purchasing & Inventory > Company Settings. When a submitted purchase order is changed, its status changes to In Progress.
  • Approved by approvers. Approving a purchase order changes its status to Approved.
  • Rejected by approvers. Rejecting a purchase order changes its status to Rejected.

A - Approved

  • An approver has approved the purchase order, and now it is ready to be final-printed, or
  • A buyer has sent the purchase order to an approver, and its money quantity is inside the buyer's limit.
  • After a purchase order has been approved, the approver's name displays in the Authorized By field on the General tab of the Purchase Order form; the purchase order cannot be changed; and the purchase order cannot be deleted.
  • Copied by creator, buyer, and approvers.
  • Printed in draft form or in final form by creator, buyer, and approvers.
  • Rejected by approvers, if the purchase order is not Closed.

J - Rejected

  • An approver has refused to approve the purchase order in its current form.
  • When a purchase order is rejected, the label on the Authorized By button changes to Rejected By on the General tab of Purchasing > Purchase Orders. The Rejected By field displays the name of the user who rejected the purchase order.
  • Modified by the creator or buyer or by approvers for whom the Edit All PO option is selected in Configuration > Purchasing & Inventory > Company Settings. This changes the status of the purchase order to In Progress.
  • Copied by the creator, buyer, or approver.
  • Deleted by the creator or buyer.
  • Approved by the approver. This changes the purchase order's status to Approved.

P - Printed

  • The purchase order is final printed and complete, meaning that the purchase order was printed from Purchasing > Purchase Orders and not from Reporting.
  • After they are received, the items listed in the purchase order’s line items grid are permitted to be accepted.
  • The purchase order cannot be changed unless by a change order, cancelled order or, for a blanket purchase order, a release order.
  • The purchase order cannot be erased.
  • A standard order, service order, or any line items on a standard or service order can be turned into a voucher in Accounts Payable > Create Voucher from PO.
  • Opened, copied, and seen by the creator, buyer, and approvers.
  • Cancelled by the creator, buyer, and approvers.
  • Changed via a change order by the creator, buyer, and approvers.

R - Released (Blanket Orders Only)

  • The blanket order cannot be deleted.
  • Copied by the creator, buyer, and approvers.
  • Changed by another release order by the creator, buyer, and approvers.

G - Changed

  • The change order has been sent to an approver for approval.
  • The change order cannot be deleted, changed, or canceled.
  • Opened and copied by the creator, buyer, and approvers.
  • Approved by approvers.

C - Cancelled

  • To remove a purchase order after it has been final printed, you must cancel it. You cannot delete it from the database.
  • You cancel a purchase order using the Process > Cancel PO option on the Purchase Orders form toolbar.
  • The Cancelled code shows that the change order has been sent to an approver for approval.
  • No more change orders or release orders are permitted for the purchase order.
  • The purchase order cannot be changed or deleted.
  • The change order cannot be deleted, changed, or canceled.
  • Opened, seen, and copied by the creator, buyer, and approvers.

Y - Closed

  • The purchase order is closed.
  • A purchase order can be closed by the creator, and by buyers and approvers who have the necessary security permission.
  • A purchase order can be selected to close automatically after it has been vouchered and the voucher has been posted.
  • If a purchase order:
    • Is approved but has not been sent to the vendor, you can close it to stop the purchasing procedure.
    • Is printed, you can close it to stop the purchasing procedure. It is not available in Receiving.
    • Has any items that were selected to voucher, you cannot close it unless you reverse the selection of the items in Accounting > Accounts Payable > Create Voucher from PO.
  • When a purchase order is closed:
    • Vision displays a Y in the purchase order's Closed check box.
    • The purchase order cannot be changed by any procedure, such as a change order or a release order.
    • The purchase order cannot be canceled.
    • The purchase order cannot have receivings written for it.

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