CRM Project Summary Columns Tab

Use the Columns tab to select or clear columns, change column sequence, provide new column labels, set column widths, or select number and date formats.

Because this is a customer relationship management (CRM) report, you can include both default sections and user-defined sections. You cannot select columns for default sections but you do select the columns for user-defined sections:

  • Default sections — The report can include one or more default sections. Use the options in Sections to Include on the General tab to select the default sections. You cannot change the columns included in each default section.

    For descriptions of the columns in the default sections, see the table in this topic.

  • User-defined sections — To set up one or more user-defined sections, click the User Defined Sections tab. Use the Columns tab to assign columns to each user-defined section. You can select any column on this tab, whether or not that column is also included in a default section. User-defined sections can appear in addition to, or in place of, the default sections for the report.

    See the help topic for the Columns tab of the Project List for descriptions of the columns available for user-defined sections.


Field Description
Short Name This column displays the name of the project.
Long Name

This column displays the project's long name.

If the Long Name field is blank in the Project Info Center, this column displays the project's short name.

Location This column displays the city, state, zip code, and country for the project's location.
Project This column displays the project number.
Phase This column displays the phase number.
Task This column displays the task number.
Organization This column displays the organization with which the project is associated. If your firm is not using organizations in Vision, the report does not display this column.
Primary Client This column displays the name of the client.

This column displays the type of project (for example, Educational, Commercial, Medical, or Financial).

This is not the project's charge type. The charge type classifies the project as regular, overhead, or promotional.

Responsibility This column displays the level of responsibility your firm has for the project (for example, Prime, Joint Venture, or Consultant).
Status This column displays the status of the project (for example, Active, Inactive, or Dormant).
Referable This column contains Y or N (Yes or No) to indicate whether or not the project can be used as a reference when talking with potential clients.
Fed. Project This column contains Y or N (Yes or No) to indicate whether or not the project is for the federal government.
Opportunity This column displays the opportunity associated with the project.
Promotional Project If the project is based on a promotional project, this column displays the project number for the promotional project.
Project Plan If you use Vision Planning and the project is linked to a plan, this column displays the plan identifier.
Principal-in-Charge This column displays the name of the principal for the project.
Project Manager This column displays the name of the project manager for the project.
Supervisor This column displays the name of the supervisor for the project.
Team: Employee This column displays the employee's first and last names.
Team: Role This column displays the employee's role on the project (for example, Lead Designer, Structural Engineer, or Assistant Project Manager). Employees can have different roles on different projects.
Team: Role Description This column displays a description of the employee's role on the project.
Team: Vendor This column displays the vendor's name.
Team: Role This column displays the vendor's role on the project.
Team: Role Description This column displays a description of thevendor's role on the project.
Client: Name This column displays the client's name.
Client: Role This column displays the client's role on the project (for example, Owner or Developer).
Client: Address This column displays the Client's street address, city, state, and zip code.
Contact: Name The first and last names of the contact at the client firm.
Contact: Title The title by which a contact at the client firm is known; for example, Vice President or Principal.
Contact: Client The name of the client associated with the contact.
Contact: Role The contact's role on this project.
Activities: Date This column displays the date on which the activity is scheduled to start.
Activities: Type This column displays the activity type (for example, Email, Mailing, Meeting, Phone Call, and Task).
Activities: Subject This column displays the description of the activity entered on the Detail tab of the Activities dialog box (for example, Initial Consultation, Planning Meeting, or Follow-up Visit).
Activities: Owner This column displays the name of the employee at your firm who is responsible for the activity.
Activities: Client This column displays the name of the client for whom the employee is to complete the activity (for example, the client the employee phones).
Activities: Contact This column displays the name of the person the employee contacts at the client firm.
Dates & Costs: Contract Date This column displays the date on which the contract was awarded to your firm.
Dates & Costs: Bid Date This column displays the date on which your firm first bid on the project.
Dates & Costs: Start Date This column displays the start date of the project.
Dates & Costs: Total Project Cost This column displays the total cost of the project. This field is also used in Item 8e on the Standard Form 255 (SF255).
Dates & Costs: Firm Cost This column displays the portion of the project cost for which your firm is responsible.
Dates & Costs: Construction Completion Date This column displays the date on which your firm completed or will complete all work on the project.
Dates & Costs: Estimated Completion This column displays the date on which the project is or was scheduled to be completed.
Dates & Costs: Actual Completion For a completed project, this column displays the date on which the project was completed.
Dates & Costs: Completion Comment This column displays any comments about the project's completion dates.
Dates & Costs: Total Project Cost Comment This column displays any comments about the project cost (for example, Fee only or Phase I).
Dates & Costs: Firm Cost Comment This column shows any comments about the firm cost.
Dates & Costs: Professional Services Completion Date This column displays the date on which your firm completes all professional services you provide after you have completed construction-related activities on the project.
Project Codes: Code

This column displays the project codes for the project.

Project codes enable you to categorize the types of work you expect to do and enter estimated fees for each category. For example, you could set up codes for fire protection, electrical, and plumbing.

Project Codes: SF330 Code This column displays the SF330 code associated with the project code.
Project Codes: Description This column displays the description of the project code.
Project Codes: Fee This column displays the total fee for the work associated with the project code.
Awards: Description This column displays the description of the award or honor associated with the project.
Awards: Institution This column displays the name of the institution or organization that granted the award.
Awards: Award Date This column displays the date on which the award was granted.
Marketing Campaigns: Name This column displays the name of the marketing campaign.
Marketing Campaigns: Number This column displays the numeric identifier for the marketing campaign.