Consolidated General Ledger Reports Overview

If you use the Multicompany feature, you can run consolidated versions of Vision's general ledger reports to show financial data for a group of companies. For example, you might include all North American companies in one consolidation group, and all European companies in another.

Security and the Consolidation Group Lookup Option

The options for the consolidated versions of the general ledger reports are identical to those for the standard versions, with the following exceptions:

  • You use the Consolidation Group Lookup option on the General tab of the Options dialog box to select a consolidation group for each report, rather than selecting an organization.

    Security roles determine your access rights to companies. On the Access Rights tab of the Roles form, your security administrator specifies whether you and the other employees in your security role have access to just one company or to multiple companies. You can select a consolidation group for a report only if you have security access to all companies in that consolidation group.

  • The firm name on the report is the name of the consolidation group.
  • The first drill-down level defaults to the company level of the organization code.

Consolidated Eliminations Report

The only consolidated general ledger report that does not have an equivalent standard version is the Consolidated Eliminations report. The Consolidated Eliminations report lists the accounts excluded from the consolidated general ledger reports.

Drill Down for Detail

If you preview a consolidated general ledger report, you can drill down on all numerical data in that report. The reports provide the standard general ledger options for multiple drill-down levels.


If you also use the Multicurrency feature, the currency for each consolidated general ledger report is based on the currency of the consolidation group.

However, each drill-down report displays amounts in the functional currency of the company that owns the transaction. Because the first drill-down level defaults to the company level, you can see company totals first, and then drill down on that company's data to see supporting transaction detail in the functional currency of the company that owns the transactions.

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