Contact List General Tab

Use the General tab to select report options for the Contact List report and to save sets of options for reuse.


Field Description
Report Name You can change the default report name.
Create Activity To create activities in the Calendar/Activities application when you generate the report, select this check box. When you generate the report, Vision displays the Activity dialog box so you can enter the activity information. Vision then creates an activity for each contact included on the report.

Use this feature to create a record that an activity related to the report has taken place for the clients, contacts, opportunities, or projects included on the report.

For example, if you print a list report for contacts or clients to send to a mailing service that will send out holiday greetings from your company, you can select this option to create an activity for each recipient. The following year, you can use those activity records to generate a list of the previous recipients as a starting point for the current holiday mailing.

Grid Type Select the type of data for which you want to show additional columns:
  • Activities
  • Associations
  • Categories
  • Client Assoc
  • Client Employee Assoc
  • Employees
  • Files
  • Marketing Campaigns
  • Opportunities
  • Projects

The available sorting and grouping criteria vary based on the entry in Grid Type. For example, activities-related criteria are available if you select Activities, while opportunity-related criteria are available if you select Opportunities.

Only List <Grid Type> That Match Selections Select this option to filter the report based on the options that you selected in the Grid Type field and the Selection field of the Reports grid, from the Reporting application. If you are printing the report from the Info Center application, the report will be filtered based on the Grid Type field and the open or selected record.
Print Final Totals Select this check box if you want a line at the end of the report that shows total amounts for the entire report.