Contract Management Report

Use the Contract Management report to review the contract information in the Project Info Center. You can filter for contracts that fall on a particular request date, on an approved date, or within a period range. You can group by contract number and then show all projects that have been assigned that contract number, or group by project and list the contracts assigned. Other groupings are also available.

Configuration Settings

If you do not activate the Project Control module or the Accounting module, this report is not available.


If you are using the Multicurrency feature, the currency selected on the Contract Management Options dialog box applies to all currency amounts shown on the report.


If you are using the Multicompany feature, this report can contain project data for any company in your enterprise.

Options Dialog Box

Use the Options dialog box to specify reporting options for a report. Depending on the report, the dialog box contains one or more of the following tabs: General, Sorting/Grouping, Columns, Budget, Metrics, User Defined Sections, Activity, Drill Down, Layout, and Graph.

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