Inventory Reservation Pick List Columns

Use the Columns tab to select or clear columns, change column sequence, provide new column labels, set column widths, or select number and date formats.

The header section for each item request included on the report displays the following information:

It also provides spaces for the requestor's signature and the signature of the person filling the request.


Column Description


This column displays the inventory item number.


This column displays the description of the item.


This column displays the category to which the item belongs (for example, Furniture, Phone, or Office Supplies).

Quantity Reserved

This column displays the total quantity of the item on approved item requests.


This column displays the unit of measure for the item (for example, each, box, case, or dozen).

Need Date

This column displays the date on which the item is needed.


This column displays the location in which the item is stored.

Quantity on Hand

This column displays the total quantity of the inventory item that is in stock at locations for your company.

Quantity Picked

This column is blank. Use it to write down the number of items that you pick from inventory.