Marketing Campaign Summary Columns

Use the Columns tab to select or clear columns, change column sequence, provide new column labels, set column widths, or select number and date formats.

This report can contain two types of sections:

You can include both default sections and user-defined sections on the same report.


Column Description
Name This column displays the name of the marketing campaign.
Number This column displays the numeric identifier for the marketing campaign.
Description This column displays the descriptive title for the marketing campaign.
Organization If you are using organizations in Vision, this column displays the organization in your firm that is responsible for the marketing campaign.
Project This column displays the project associated with the marketing campaign.
Target Audience This column displays the market segment to which the marketing campaign is directed (for example, Chief Financial Officers or Project Managers).
Objective This column displays the goal of the marketing campaign (for example, Lead Generation).
Type This column displays the type of marketing campaign (for example, Webcast, Direct Mail, or Seminar).
Budget This column displays the amount budgeted for the marketing campaign.
Actual Costs This column displays the actual cost of the marketing campaign.
Revenue Target This column displays the amount of revenue that your firm expects to generate from the marketing campaign.
Campaign Manager This column displays the marketing campaign manager.
Marketing Manager This column displays the marketing manager who is responsible for the marketing campaign.
Manager 3 This column displays a third manager associated with the campaign.
Record Status This column displays the status of the marketing campaign record: Active or Inactive.
First Action This column displays the first action in the marketing campaign (for example, Kickoff Campaign).
Current Action This column displays the current action in the marketing campaign.
Next Action This column displays the action that is scheduled to occur after the current action.
Status This column displays the status of the marketing campaign (for example, Planning, Active, or Completed).
Launch Date This column displays the marketing campaign's launch date.
End Date This column displays the marketing campaign's ending date.
Universe This column displays the total number of firms targeted by the marketing campaign.
Actual Responses This column displays the sum of the number of leads and the number of contacts.
Response Percent This column displays the ratio of the value in Actual Responses to the value in Universe, expressed as a percentage.
Converted Clients This column displays the number of leads for which both of the following are true:
  • The lead was converted to a client.
  • The lead record in the Lead Info Center lists this campaign on the Marketing Campaigns tab.
Converted Contacts This column displays the number of leads for which both of the following are true:
  • The lead was converted to a contact.
  • The lead record in the Lead Info Center lists this campaign on the Marketing Campaigns tab.
Opportunities This column displays the number of leads for which both of the following are true:
  • The lead was converted to an opportunity.
  • The lead record in the Lead Info Center lists this campaign on the Marketing Campaigns tab.
Awarded Projects This column displays the number of projects that are listed on the Projects tab of the Marketing Campaign Info Center.
Leads - Status This column displays the lead's status (for example, New or Qualified).
Leads - Company This column displays the name of the lead's current employer.
Leads - Description This column displays additional text describing the lead.
Leads - Name This column displays the lead’s full name.
Activities - Subject This column displays a brief description of the activity (for example, Initial Consultation, Planning Meeting, Customer Lunch, or Follow-up Visit).
Activities - Type This column displays the activity type (for example, Phone Call, Meeting, or Email).
Activities - Start Date This column displays the date and time that the activity is scheduled to begin.
Activities - Client This column displays the name of the client associated with the activity.
Activities - Contact This column displays the name of the contact associated with the activity.
Contacts - Name This column displays the name of the contact at the client.
Contacts - Client This column displays the client name.
Contacts - Title This column displays the contact's title (for example, Director, Project Manager, or CEO).
Contacts - Phone This column displays the contact's business telephone number.
Contacts - EMail This column displays the contact's email address.
Files - Description This column displays a brief description of the file or Web address (URL).
Files - File Path This column contains one of the following:
  • The complete path for an external file. This path includes the file name and extension. If you preview the report, you can click the file path to open the file.
  • The address (URL) for a Web site, intranet site, file transfer (FTP) site, and so on. If you preview the report, you can click the file path to go to that address.
Files - Graphic This column contains a Y or N (yes or no) to indicate whether or not the file is a graphic file.
Opportunities - Name This column displays the name of the opportunity associated with the marketing campaign.
Opportunities - Number This column displays the opportunity identifier.
Opportunities - Stage This column displays the current stage of the opportunity (for example, Pending, Awarded, or Lost).
Projects - Name This column displays the name of the project.
Projects - Number This column displays the identifier of the project associated with the marketing campaign.