Payroll Labor Detail Columns Tab

Use the Columns tab to select or clear columns, change column sequence, provide new column labels, set column widths, or select number and date formats.

If you are using the Multicurrency feature, Vision uses a rate table with the same currency code as the functional currency of the active company when it calculates employee pay.


Field Description
Labor Code This column displays the labor code for which the hours were entered.
Transaction Date This column displays the date on which the transaction was posted.
Regular Pay Posting Period This column displays the accounting period in which the regular payroll processing run was posted.
Regular Pay Posting Sequence This column displays the posting sequence number for the regular payroll run.

Vision assigns 1 to the first group of transactions posted during an accounting period; 2 to the second group, and so on. Vision assigns the letter C to any transactions brought in via history loading to indicate that the data came from a conversion or transfer.

To see a numbered list of all of the postings for the current accounting period, click Transaction Center > Posting Review Report from the Vision Navigation menu.

Regular Hours This column displays the number of regular hours.
Total Overtime Hours This column displays the total of all overtime hours.
Total Hours This column displays the total number of hours. This number is the sum of regular hours and overtime hours.
Regular Pay Rate This column displays the rate at which the employee is paid for regular hours.
Regular Pay Amount This column displays the amount paid for the regular hours.
Total Overtime Pay Amount This column displays the amount paid for the overtime hours.
Total Pay Amount This column displays the total amount paid for regular and overtime hours.
Overtime Pay Posting Period This column displays the accounting period in which the overtime payroll processing run was posted.
Overtime Pay Posting Sequence This column displays the posting sequence number for the overtime payroll run.

Vision assigns 1 to the first group of transactions posted during an accounting period; 2 to the second group, and so on. Vision assigns the letter C to any transactions brought in via history loading to indicate that the data came from a conversion or transfer.

To see a numbered list of all of the postings for the current accounting period, click Transaction Center > Posting Review Report from the Vision Navigation menu.

Overtime Hours This column displays the number of overtime hours.
Secondary Overtime Hours This column displays the number of secondary overtime hours.
Overtime Pay Rate This column displays the rate at which the employee is paid for overtime hours.
Secondary Overtime Pay Rate The rate at which the employee is paid for secondary overtime hours.
Overtime Pay Percentage This column displays the percentage applied to the employee's pay rate to calculate an overtime pay rate.
Overtime Pay Amount This column displays the amount paid for overtime hours.

Vision calculates overtime pay amounts as follows:

  • For hourly employees: Overtime hours x Hourly pay rate x Overtime percentage.

  • For salaried employees: Overtime hours x Annualized hourly rate x Overtime percentage. (Annualized hourly rate = Annual salary / Estimated annual regular hours. Estimated annual regular hours = Hours per week x 52.)

Secondary Overtime Pay Amount This column displays the amount paid for secondary overtime hours.
Employee Status This column displays the employee's status: Active, Inactive, or Terminated.
Organization If your firm uses organizations in Vision, this column displays the organization to which the employee is assigned.