Project Planning Reports Overview

The project planning reports offer multiple views of data contained primarily within the project plans or employee assignments. Project managers, team leaders, and other managers in your firm may want to review historical, forecast, and performance data by project plan and/or by resource in differing ways.

Match JTD Option

Some project planning reports are affected by the Match JTD option, which you set from the Project Planning form.

For any plan that is mapped to a project, use the Match JTD option on the Default WBS Mapping dialog box in Planning to specify the level of matching between job-to-date information and work breakdown structure (WBS) levels. (To display that dialog box, click Default WBS Mapping on the Options menu on the Project Planning form.) When you select that option for a level, all subsequent levels are automatically selected. When a level is not selected, Vision calculates the job-to-date value as the sum of values from lower levels.

For example, suppose you have two plans, both of which are mapped to the same project. However, plan 1 is mapped to phase A of that project and plan 2 is mapped to phase B. If you select Match JTD for the phase level, Vision accumulates actual values at the phase level, rather than at the project level. As a result, the job-to-date values are accurate for each of the plans. If you do not select Match JTD for the phase level, Vision accumulates job-to-date values at the project level. In that case, job-to-date values for plan 1 could incorrectly include actual activity for phase B, and those for plan 2 could incorrectly include actual activity for phase A.

Access to Labor Cost Information

The Labor Cost Rates/Amounts option on the Accounting tab of the Roles form (Configuration > Security > Roles) determines your access to actual labor cost rates and amounts when you preview or print Planning reports. In some cases, it also determines your access to planned labor costs.

  • If Full Access is not selected in Labor Cost Rates/Amounts, you have no access to actual job-to-date labor cost rates and amounts or to values calculated from them, such as EAC labor cost. In the Planning module, Final Totals Only and Subtotals Only in Labor Cost Rates/Amounts are the same as No Access.

  • In most cases, the Labor Cost Rates/Amounts option does not restrict access to planned labor cost information in any way, only to actual labor cost rates and amounts. The exceptions are plans with From Employee Provisional Rate in Labor Cost Rates: Rate Method on the Rates tab of the Project Planning form. For those plans, you must have Full Accessin Labor Cost Rates/Amounts to display either planned or actual labor cost rates and amounts.

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