Project List Columns Tab

Use the Columns tab to select or clear columns, change column sequence, provide new column labels, set column widths, or select number and date formats.

Most available columns show data from the Project Info Center.

Grid Type Options

In addition, you can use this tab to include columns that contain associated data. These are called "grid columns."

The list of columns in this topic includes all available grid columns. However, the grid columns that actually display on the Columns tab vary based on your selection in Grid Type on the General tab of the Options dialog box. The grid column labels begin with the grid type. For example, the each of the contact grid column labels begins with Contacts - (Contacts - Name, Contacts - Title, and so on).

The Contracts grid type and the related columns are not available if you do not activate the Project Control module or the Accounting module.


Field Description
Project This column displays the project number.
Phase This column displays the phase number.
Task This column displays the task number.
Name This column displays the name of the project, phase, or task.
Organization Name This column displays the name of the organization with which the project, phase, or task is associated.
Row Count This column displays the total number of detail lines for each group, based on the sorting and grouping selections on the Sorting/Grouping tab. If the report groups data at more than one level, this column displays row counts for all grouping levels.
Charge Type This column displays one of the following charge types for the project:
  • R — Regular: Regular projects are revenue-producing. Costs charged to regular projects include direct labor, direct expense, and reimbursable expense. Vision retains the detail for a regular project for the life of the project.
  • H — Overhead: Overhead projects are not revenue-producing. Costs charged to overhead projects include indirect labor and indirect expense. Vision distributes the total cost of these projects to regular projects during overhead allocation. Typical overhead projects can include General Overhead, Vacation, Sick Leave, Holiday, and Civic Duty. Vision resets job-to-date costs to zero for overhead projects when you initialize for a new fiscal year.
  • P — Promotional: Promotional projects track the cost to acquire a job. If you obtain the contract, you can create a new regular project and transfer the detail to it to be billed or tracked. A promotional project is similar to an overhead project. However, Vision does not zero out job-to-date costs at the start of each fiscal year for promotional projects.
SubLevel This column contains Y or N (Yes or No) to indicate whether or not the project, phase, or task is associated with sub-level billing terms.
Principal Name This column displays the name of the principal for the project, phase, or task.
Project Manager Name This column displays the name of the project manager for the project, phase, or task.
Supervisor Name This column displays the name of the supervisor for the project, phase, or task.
Available to CRM Users This column contains Y or N (Yes or No) to indicate whether or not the project record is available for review by Vision Customer Relationship Management (CRM) users.
Available to Accounting Users This column contains Y or N (Yes or No) to indicate whether or not the project record is available for review by Vision Accounting users.
Approved for use in processing

This column contains Y or N (Yes or No) to indicate whether or not the project record is approved for use when processing accounting transactions.

By default, a project record is approved for use in processing when a Vision Accounting user adds a new project record. It is disabled for all other users.

Project Address 1-3 These columns display the three lines of the project mailing address.
Project City This column displays the city in which the project is located.
Project State This column displays the state in which the pproject is located.
Project Zip This column displays the zip code for the project address.
Project County This column displays the county in which the project is located.
Project Country This column displays the country in which the project is located.
Project Phone This column displays the telephone number for the project location.
Project Fax This column displays the fax number for the project location.
Project Email This column displays the email address for the project.
Client Name This column displays the name of the client firm for which you are performing the work.
Client Address For clients that use more than one address, this column displays an address description to indicate which address is associated with the project.

For example, this column might display one of the following:

  • <Default> — Default address from the Client Info Center
  • Corporate HQ — Address of the client's headquarters
  • London — Address for the client's office in London, UK

If you want the report to display client addresses, select the Client Address (concatenated) column.

Project Currency Code If you use the Multicurrency feature, this column displays the three-character code for the project currency.
Billing Currency Code If you use the Multicurrency feature, this column displays the three-character code for the billing currency.
Functional Currency Code If you use the Multicurrency feature, this column displays the three-character code for the functional currency.
Promotional Project If the project is based on a promotional project, this column displays the project number for the promotional project.
Contact Name This column displays the name of your contact at the client firm.
Phone This column displays the phone number for the contact.
Fax This column displays the fax number for the contact.
EMail This column displays the contact's email address.
Compensation This column displays the total monetary amount you expect to receive for direct labor and direct expenses.
Fee Direct Labor This column displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct labor.
Fee Direct Expense This column displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct expenses.
Fee Direct Consultant This column displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct consultant fees.
Reimbursable Allowance This column displays the expected amount of reimbursable expenses and reimbursable consultant fees.
Fee Reimbursable Expense This column displays the expected amount of reimbursable expenses.
Fee Reimbursable Consultant This column displays the expected amount of reimbursable consultant fees. This amount includes any markups on consultant professional services.
Billing Currency Compensation This column displays the total monetary amount you expect to receive for direct labor and direct expenses, in the billing currency.
Billing Currency Fee Direct Labor This column displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct labor, in the billing currency.
Billing Currency Fee Direct Expenses This column displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct expenses, in the billing currency.
Billing Currency Fee Direct Consultant This column displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct consultant fees, in the billing currency.
Billing Currency Reimbursable Allowance This column displays the expected amount of reimbursable expenses and reimbursable consultant fees, in the billing currency.
Billing Currency Fee Reimbursable Expense This column displays the expected amount of reimbursable expenses, in the billing currency.
Billing Currency Fee Reimbursable Consultant This column displays the expected amount of reimbursable consultant fees, in the billing currency. This amount includes any markups on consultant professional services.
Functional Currency Compensation This column displays the total monetary amount you expect to receive for direct labor and direct expenses, in the project's functional currency.
Functional Currency Fee Direct Labor This column displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct labor, in the project's functional currency.
Functional Currency Fee Direct Expenses This column displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct expenses, in the project's functional currency.
Functional Currency Fee Direct Consultant This column displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct consultant fees, in the project's functional currency.
Functional Currency Reimbursable Allowance This column displays the expected amount of reimbursable expenses and reimbursable consultant fees, in the project's functional currency.
Functional Currency Fee Reimbursable Expense This column displays the expected amount of reimbursable expenses, in the project's functional currency.
Functional Currency Fee Reimbursable Consultant This column displays the expected amount of reimbursable consultant fees, in the project's functional currency. This amount includes any markups on consultant professional services.
Budgeted OH Rate This column displays the budgeted overhead rate.

If you use the assignment method for overhead allocation, Vision uses the budgeted overhead rate for both budgeting and allocation purposes. For all other overhead allocation methods, Vision uses the budgeted overhead rate only to calculate the overhead amount for the project's budget.

Status This column displays the status of the project: Active, Inactive, or Dormant.
Revenue Type

This column displays the revenue type.

The revenue type is a code to identify how Vision calculates revenue for the task, phase, or project.

Vision provides six standard revenue types:

  • B — Job-to-date billing
  • M — (Job-to-date direct labor * Multiplier) + Job-to-date reimbursable expenses @ cost rates
  • N — No revenue generation
  • P — Percent complete + Job-to-date reimbursable expenses @ cost rates
  • R — Job-to-date receipts
  • W — Job-to-date billing + Work-in-progress @ billing rates
Revenue Description This column displays the description of the revenue source (for example, JTD Billings, JTD Billings + WIP @, or (Pct Comp*Fee) + JTD Reimb Exp).
Multiplier/Amount This column displays the multiplier, percentage, or amount for the revenue method.
Unit Table This column displays the default unit table Vision uses to bill unit charges.
Start Date This column displays the start date of the project, phase, or task.
Overall Pct Comp This column displays the weighted average percent complete. Vision calculates this percentage as follows:

(All percents complete * Their respective budgets) / Total project budget

Labor Pct Comp This column displays the estimated percent complete for labor.
Expense Pct Comp This column displays the estimated percent complete for labor.
Bill by Default This column displays Yes, No, or Category to indicate whether or not to bill the client for certain expense charges:
  • Yes — Always bill expense charges to the client, whether or not the Bill by Default option is selected for the associated category in the Expense Report Categories form (Configuration > Time & Expense > Expense Categories).
  • No — Never bill expense charges to the client, whether or not the Bill by Default option is selected for the associated category in the Expense Report Categories form.
  • Category — Only bill charges to the client if the Bill by Default option is selected for the associated category in the Expense Report Categories form.
Billable Message This column displays one of the following values to indicate whether or not Vision displays an error message when a user charges certain expenses to the project in an expense report:
  • No Message — Vision does not display any message when the Bill by Default option for the expense category is different from the Bill by Default option for the project.
  • Warning — Vision displays a warning message when the Bill by Default option for the expense category is different from the Bill by Default option for the project. You must explicitly choose to continue with the transaction if you want to charge the expense to the project with the selected expense category.
  • Error — Vision displays an error message when the Bill by Default option for the expense category is different from the Bill by Default option for the project. You cannot charge the expense to the project with the selected category.
Budgeted Labor Code Validation This column displays the setting Vision uses to determine the level of access users are allowed when they enter labor codes on their timesheets: None, Warning, or Error.
Budgeted Levels This column displays the labor code levels to which employees can charge time for the project. The budgeted labor code levels available depend on the number of labor code levels your firm uses.
Require Comments This column displays Y (yes) or N (No) to indicate whether or not Require Comment for Hours is selected on the Time & Expense tab of the Project Info Center.
Check Planning for Start/End Date If you use Vision Planning, this column displays Y (yes) or N (No) to indicate whether or not the project start date is determined by the corresponding project plan start date.
Check Planning for Planned Hours If you use Vision Planning, this column displays Y (yes) or N (No) to indicate whether or not the project's estimated duration is determined by the estimated hours for the corresponding project plan.
Cross Charge Method Cross charges allow you to transfer revenue and overhead charges between organizations when an employee from one organization works on a project for another organization.

This column displays the cross charge method for the project from the Apply Rate Method at this Level field on the Accounting tab of the Project Info Center:

  • Global — Vision uses the cross charge method specified on the Cross Charge tab of the Individual Organization Setup form.
  • Project — Vision uses the cross charge method specified in the Rate Method field on the Accounting tab of the Project Info Center.
  • None — Vision does not generate cross charges for the project.
Cross Charge Rate This column displays the markup rate that Vision uses when it transfers revenue back to an employee's organization or when it transfers an employee's overhead charges to the organization associated with the project.
Description This column displays the description of the project.
Long Name This column displays the project's long name

If the Long Name field is left blank in the Project Info Center, then this column displays the project's short name.

Client Address (concatenated) This column displays the client's street address, city, state, and zip code. If the address is too long for the width of the column, it continues on additional lines within the column.
Federal Project This column displays Y (yes) or N (No) to indicate whether or not the project is for the federal government.
Project Type This column displays the type of project (for example, Educational, Commercial, Medical, or Federal).
Responsibility This column displays the level of responsibility your firm has for the project (for example, Prime, Joint Venture, or Consultant).
Referable This column displays Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether or not the project can be used as a reference when you pursue other contracts.
Estimated Completion This column displays the date on which the project is or was scheduled to be completed.
Actual Completion For completed projects, this column displays the actual completion date.
Contract Date This column displays the date on which your firm was awarded the contract.
Construction Completion Date This column displays the date on which your firm completed all work.
Professional Services Completion Date This column displays the date on which your firm completed all professional services
Bid Date This column displays the date on which your firm first bid on the project.
Completion Comment This column displays the comments entered for the completion date.
Firm Cost This column displays the portion of the project cost for which your firm is responsible.
Firm Cost Comment This column displays the comments entered for the firm cost.
Total Project Cost This column displays the total cost of the project.

This field is also used in Item 8e of the SF255 form: "total construction cost of completed projected (or, where no construction was involved, the approximate cost of your work)."

Total Project Cost Comment This column displays the comments entered for the total project cost (for example, "Fee only" or "Phase I").
Project Plan If you use Vision Planning and the project is linked to a plan, this column displays the plan identifier.
Opportunity If the project was created from an opportunity, this column displays the opportunity number.
Client Confidential This column displays Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether or not the client firm's name is confidential and is to be excluded from all proposals. If the client's name is confidential and you include the project in a proposal, Vision substitutes an alias for the client name.
Confidential Project Alias This column displays the alternate name that Vision uses in proposals in place of the actual client name when the client requests that you keep the firm's name confidential.
Billing Client This column displays the name of the client to be billed.
Billing Contact This column displays the billing contact for the client.
Phone (Billing Contact) This column displays the phone number for the billing contact for the client.
Fax (Billing Contact) This column displays the fax number for the billing contact for the client.
EMail (Billing Contact) This column displays the email address for the billing contact for the client.
Billing Address (concatenated) This column displays the client's billing street address, city, state, and zip code. If the address is too long for the width of the column, it continues on additional lines within the column.
Client Billing Address For clients that use more than one address, this column displays an address description to indicate which address is the billing address for the project.

For example, this column might display one of the following:

  • <Default> — Default address from the Client Info Center
  • Corporate HQ — Address of the client's headquarters
  • London — Address for the client's office in London, UK

If you want the report to display client billing addresses, select the Billing Address (concatenated) column.

Create User This column displays the user ID of the person who created the project record in the Project Info Center.
Create Date This column displays the date on which the project record was created.
Modify User This column displays the user ID of the person who most recently modified the project record.
Modify Date This column displays the date on which the project record was most recently modified.
Memo This column displays the notes entered in the Memo field on the General tab of the Project Info Center.
Cost Rate Method If you use Vision Payroll and you have selected the Cost rate tables check box in the Enable for Timesheets group box on the General tab of the Accounting System Settings form, this column displays the cost rate method for the project. The following are the available methods:
  • From Employee Cost Rate
  • From Labor Rate Table
  • From Category Rate Table
  • From Labor Code Table
  • None
Cost Rate Table If you use Vision Payroll and you have selected the Cost rate tables check box in the Enable for Timesheets group box on the General tab of the Accounting System Settings form, this column displays the cost rate table:
  • Labor Rate Table
  • Category Rate Table
  • Labor Code Table

No table is listed in this column if the cost rate method is From Employee Cost Rate.

Pay Rate Method If you use Vision Payroll and you have selected the Pay rate tables check box in the Enable for Timesheets group box on the General tab of the Accounting System Settings form, this column shows the pay rate method for the project:
  • From Employee Pay Rate
  • From Labor Rate Table
  • From Category Rate Table
  • From Labor Code Table
  • None
Pay Rate Table If you use Vision Payroll and you have selected the Pay rate tables check box in the Enable for Timesheets group box on the General tab of the Accounting System Settings form, this column displays the cost rate table:
  • Labor Rate Table
  • Category Rate Table
  • Labor Code Table

No table is listed in this column if the pay rate method is From Employee Pay Rate.

Locale If you use Vision Payroll, this column displays the state for payroll taxes.
Timesheet Line Item Approval If you use Vision Time & Expense, this column displays Y (yes) or N (No) to indicate whether or not timesheet line item approval is set up for the project.

The timesheet line item approval feature gives your principals, project managers, and supervisors the ability to review and then approve or reject individual labor charges for their projects.

This column is only available if the Timesheet Line Item Approval option on the System Timesheet form (Configuration > Time & Expense > System Timesheet) is By Project.

Budget Source This column displays the source of the budget data included on the report: plan or project record.
Budget Level This column indicates the level of the project work breakdown structure or plan work breakdown structure at which budgeting is done.
Overall Revenue Upset Limits This column displays Y (yes) or N (No) to indicate whether or not the revenue upset limit feature for Revenue Generation is selected for the project:

The upset limit feature allows you to specify a limit on the job-to-date revenue recognized for a project. The revenue upset limit can be any combination of the project's compensation, consultant fee, and reimbursable allowance. You can only use this feature for a project if it has at least one phase or task available for use as an "adjustment" phase or task. You select these on the Budget & Revenue tab of the Project Info Center.

Phase to Adjust If an overall revenue upset limit was set for the project, this column displays the number of the phase to adjust. You select the adjustment phase on the Budget & Revenue tab of the Project Info Center.
Task to Adjust If an overall revenue upset limit was set for the project, this column displays the number of the phase to adjust. You select the adjustment phase on the Budget & Revenue tab of the Project Info Center.
Include Compensation in Limit This column displays Y (yes) or N (No) to indicate whether or not Vision includes compensation when it determines if the project's overall revenue upset limit has been met:
  • Y (yes) indicates that Compensation is selected in the Include in Limit group box on the Budget & Revenue tab of the Project Info Center.
  • N (no) means this option was not selected.
Include Consultant Fee in Limit This column displays Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether or not Vision includes the consultant fee when it determines if the project's overall revenue upset limit has been met:
  • Y (yes) indicates that Consultant Fee is selected in the Include in Limit group box on the Budget & Revenue tab of the Project Info Center.
  • N (no) means this option was not selected.
Include Reimbursable Allowance in Limit This column displays Y (yes) or N (No) to indicate whether or not Vision includes the reimbursable allowance when it determines if the project's overall revenue upset limit has been met:
  • Y (yes) indicates that Reimbursable Allowance is selected in the Include in Limit group box on the Budget & Revenue tab of the Project Info Center.
  • N (no) means this option was not selected.
Owner Number This column displays the client number of the client designated as the owner of the project.

You specify the owner in Role on the Clients/Contacts tab of the Project Info Center.

Owner Name This column displays the name the client designated as the owner of the project.

You specify the owner in Role on the Clients/Contacts tab of the Project Info Center.

Owner Address Description This column displays the address description of the client designated as the owner of the project.

You specify the owner in Role on the Clients/Contacts tab of the Project Info Center.

Owner Concatenated Address This column displays the street address, city, state, and ZIP code of the client designated as the owner of the project. If the address is too long for the width of the column, it continues on additional lines within the column.

You specify the owner in Role on the Clients/Contacts tab of the Project Info Center.

Bill by Default - Consultant This column displays the selection in Consultants in the AP Bill by Default group box on the Accounting tab of the Project Info Center:
  • Expense Code — The Bill by Default setting for the expense code determines if the consultant expense is billable. When the project and expense code are entered during accounts payable transaction entry, the reimbursable expense account or direct expense account for the expense code defaults based on the expense code's Bill by Default setting on the Expense Codes tab on the System AP Configuration form (Configuration > Accounting > System AP).
  • Yes — All consultant expense codes are reimbursable expenses for the project. Vision uses the expense code's reimbursable expense account specified on the Expense Codes tab on the System AP Configuration form.
  • No — No consultant expense codes are reimbursable expenses for the project. Vision uses the expense code's direct expense account specified on the Expense Codes tab on the System AP Configuration form.

This column is only available if the Enable expense codes option on the System AP Configuration form (Configuration > Accounting > System AP) is selected.

Bill by Default - Other expenses This column displays the selection in Other Expenses in the AP Bill by Default group box on the Accounting tab of the Project Info Center:
  • Expense Code — The Bill by Default setting for the expense code determines if the "other" expense is billable. When the project and expense code are entered during accounts payable transaction entry, the reimbursable expense account or direct expense account for the expense code defaults based on the expense code's Bill by Default setting on the Expense Codes tab on the System AP Configuration form (Configuration > Accounting > System AP).
  • Yes — All "other" expense codes are reimbursable expenses for the project. Vision uses the expense code's reimbursable expense account specified on the Expense Codes tab on the System AP Configuration form.
  • No — No "other" expense codes are reimbursable expenses for the project. Vision uses the expense code's direct expense account specified on the Expense Codes tab on the System AP Configuration form.

This column is only available if the Enable expense codes option on the System AP Configuration form (Configuration > Accounting > System AP) is selected.

Bill by Default - Override table If an override table is selected in Override Table in the AP Bill by Default group box on the Accounting tab of the Project Info Center, this column displays the override table identifier.

This column is only available if the Enable expense codes option on the System AP Configuration form (Configuration > Accounting > System AP) is selected.

Restrict Charge Companies If you use the Multicompany feature, this column displays Y (yes) or N (No) to indicate whether or not you can only charge labor and expense charges to the project for one company or a selected set of companies. A Y (yes) indicates that Restrict Charge Companies is selected on the Accounting tab of the Project Info Center.
Intercompany Billing Labor Level If you use the Multicompany feature and generate intercompany billing transactions, this column displays the level at which the intercompany billing rate method and related settings for labor charges are specified for the project.

Possible values are the following:

  • Global — Global intercompany billing rate method. Vision checks Individual Organization Configuration (Configuration > Organization > Individual Organization) to see if a rate is specified at the organization level. If not, Vision processes intercompany labor charges for the project using the settings in Intercompany Billing Setup (Configuration > Accounting > Intercompany Billing).
  • Project — Project-specific intercompany billing rate method. Vision uses the rate method and multiplier specified for the project on the Intercompany Billing tab of the Project Info Center.

For detailed information about intercompany billing transactions, generate the Intercompany Billing Detail report.

Intercompany Billing Labor Method If Global is selected in Apply Rate Method at this Level under Intercompany Labor on the Intercompany Billing tab of the Project Info Center for the project, this column is blank.

If Project is selected in Apply Rate Method at this Level under Intercompany Labor for the project, this column displays the rate method selected on that tab for processing labor charges. Possible values are the following:

  • Multiplier — Calculate intercompany labor charges based on cost and a cost multiplier.
  • Billing Terms— Calculate intercompany labor charges based on the project's billing terms. If no billing terms exist for the project, Vision uses the reporting default billing terms specified in Billing Configuration.
  • Rate Table — Calculate intercompany labor charges based on a labor rate table. The Intercompany Billing Labor Rate Table column displays the billing rate table.
  • By Category — Calculate intercompany labor charges based on a labor category table. The Intercompany Billing Labor Rate Table column displays the billing rate table.
  • By Labor Code — Calculate intercompany labor charges based on a labor code table. The Intercompany Billing Labor Rate Table column displays the billing rate table.

For detailed information about intercompany billing transactions, generate the Intercompany Billing Detail report.

Intercompany Billing Labor Rate Table If Rate Table, By Category, or By Labor Code is selected in Rate Method under Intercompany Laboron the Intercompany Billing tab of the Project Info Center for the project, this column displays the number of the billing rate table that Vision uses to determine the intercompany billing rate for the project.

If Multiplier or Billing Terms is selected in Rate Method or if Global is selected in Apply Rate Method at this Level, this column is blank.

For detailed information about intercompany billing transactions, generate the Intercompany Billing Detail report.

Intercompany Billing Labor Multiplier If Project is selected in Apply Rate Method at this Level under Intercompany Labor on the Intercompany Billing tab of the Project Info Center for the project, this column displays the multiplier entered on that tab for processing labor charges.
Intercompany Billing Expense Level If you use the Multicompany feature and generate intercompany billing transactions, this column displays the level at which the intercompany billing rate method and related settings for expense charges are specified for the project.

Possible values are the following:

  • Global — Global intercompany billing rate method. Vision processes intercompany expense charges for the project using the settings in Intercompany Billing Setup (Configuration > Accounting > Intercompany Billing).
  • Project — Project-specific intercompany billing rate method. Vision uses the rate method and multiplier specified for the project on the Intercompany Billing tab of the Project Info Center.

For detailed information about intercompany billing transactions, generate the Intercompany Billing Detail report.

Intercompany Billing Expense Method If Global is selected in Apply Rate Method at this Level under Intercompany Expense on the Intercompany Billing tab of the Project Info Center for the project, this column is blank.

If Project is selected in Apply Rate Method at this Level under Intercompany Expense for the project, this column displays the rate method selected on that tab for processing expense charges. Possible values are the following:

  • Multiplier — Calculate intercompany charges for expenses based on cost and a cost multiplier.
  • Billing Terms— Calculate intercompany charges for expenses based on the project's billing terms. If no billing terms exist for the project, Vision uses the default billing terms specified in Billing Configuration.
  • By Account — Calculate intercompany charges for expenses based on an expense account billing rate table. The Intercompany Billing Expense Rate Table column displays the billing rate table.
  • By Category — Calculate intercompany charges for expenses based on an expense category billing rate table. The Intercompany Billing Expense Rate Table column displays the billing rate table.
  • By Vendor — Calculate intercompany charges for expenses based on an expense by vendor code billing rate table. The Intercompany Billing Expense Rate Table column displays the billing rate table.

For detailed information about intercompany billing transactions, generate the Intercompany Billing Detail report.

Intercompany Billing Expense Rate Table If By Account, By Category, or By Vendor is selected in Rate Method under Intercompany Expense on the Intercompany Billing tab of the Project Info Center for the project, this column displays the number of the billing rate table that Vision uses to determine the intercompany billing rate for the project.

If Multiplier or Billing Terms is selected in Rate Method or if Global is selected in Apply Rate Method at this Level, this column is blank.

For detailed information about intercompany billing transactions, generate the Intercompany Billing Detail report.

Intercompany Billing Expense Multiplier If Project is selected in Apply Rate Method at this Level under Intercompany Labor on the Intercompany Billing tab of the Project Info Center for the project, this column displays the multiplier entered on that tab for processing expense charges.
Activities - Completed This column displays the completion status of the activity: Pending or Completed.
Activities - Type This column displays the activity type (for example, Phone Call, Meeting, or Email).
Activities - Subject This column displays the description of the activity (for example, Initial Consultation, Planning Meeting, Client Lunch, or Follow-up Visit).
Activities - Start Date This column displays the date and time at which the activity is scheduled to begin.
Activities - Priority This column displays the relative importance of the activity: High, Medium, or Low.
Activities - Owner This column displays the name of the employee who is responsible for this activity (the activity owner).
Activities - Client This column displays the name of the client associated with the activity.
Activities - Contact This column displays the name of the contact associated with the activity.
Activities - Contact Bus. Phone This column displays the business telephone number for the contact associated with the activity.
Activities - Opportunity This column displays the name of the opportunity associated with the activity.
Activities - Marketing Campaign This column displays the name of the marketing campaign associated with the activity.
Activities - Lead This column displays the name of the lead associated with the activity.
Activities - Location This column displays the location where the activity occurred or is to occur.
Activities - Notes This column displays additional description or other notes related to the activity.
Awards - Description This column displays the description of the award (for example, Contractor of the Year).
Awards - Institution This column displays the name of the institution that granted the award.
Awards - Award Date This column displays the date you received the award.
Clients - Is Client This column displays Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether or not the client is classified as a client for the project.

You specify how Vision classifies the clientclient, vendor, both, or neither — on the Projects tab of the Client Info Center.

Clients - Is Vendor This column displays Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether or not the client is classified as a vendor for the project.

You specify how Vision classifies the clientclient, vendor, both, or neither — on the Projects tab of the Client Info Center.

Client - Name This column displays the name of the client associated with the project.
Client - Role This column displays the client's role on the project (for example, Owner, Developer, or Partner).
Client - Role Description This column displays additional information about the client's role on the project.
Client - Type This column displays the client type (for example, Commercial, Government, or Non-Profit).
Client - Status This column displays the status of the client's relationship with your company: Active, Inactive, or Dormant.
Client - Address Description For clients that use more than one address, this column displays an address description to indicate which address is associated with the project.

For example, this column might display one of the following:

  • <Default> — Default address from the Client Info Center
  • Corporate HQ — Address of the client's headquarters
  • London — Address for the client's office in London, UK
Client - Phone This column displays the client's telephone number.
Client - Address1 This column displays the client's street address or post office box.
Client - City This column displays the city for the client's mailing address.
Client - State This column displays the state for the client's mailing address.
Client - ZIP This column displays the ZIP code for the client's mailing address.
Company Access - Company If you use the Multicompany feature and Restrict Charge Companies is selected on the Accounting tab of the Project Info Center, this column displays the identifier of each company that is allowed to charge labor and expenses to the project.
Company Access - Company Name If you use the Multicompany feature and Restrict Charge Companies is selected on the Accounting tab of the Project Info Center, this column displays the name of each company that is allowed to charge labor and expenses to the project.
Contacts - Name This column displays the name of a contact associated with the project.
Contacts - Client This column displays the client with which the contact is associated.
Contacts - Role This column displays the contact's role on the project (for example, Owner, Project Manager, or Primary Contact).
Contacts - Role Description This column displays additional information about the contact's role on the project.
Contacts - Title This column displays the contact's title (for example, Director, Project Manager, or CEO).
Contacts - Phone This column displays the contact's telephone number.
Contacts - Address1 This column displays the street address or post office box for the contact.
Contacts - City This column displays the city for the contact's address.
Contacts - State This column displays the state for the contact's address.
Contacts - ZIP This column displays the zip code for the contact's address.
Contracts - Contract Number This column displays the transaction's contract number.
Contracts - Contract Status This column displays the contract's status: Negotiation, Pending, Sent for Signature, Approved & Signed, or Rejected.
Contracts - Include in Fees This column displays the Include in Fees amount if the option was selected on the sorting and grouping selections on the Sorting/Grouping tab.
Contracts - Request Date This column displays the date on which the contract was requested.
Contracts - Approved Date This column displays the date of the transaction.
Contracts - Period This column displays the accounting period in which the transaction was posted.
Contracts - Contract Type This column displays the two-letter abbreviation for the type of contract transaction.
Contracts - Contract Compensation This column displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct labor and direct expenses related to the contract.
Contracts - Contract Direct Labor This column displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct labor related to the contract.
Contracts - Contract Direct Expense This column displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct expenses related to the contract.
Contracts - Contract Direct Consultant This column displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct consultant fees related to the contract.
Contracts - Contract Reimbursable Allowance This column displays the expected amount of reimbursable expenses and reimbursable consultant fees related to the contract.
Contracts - Contract Reimbursable Expense This column displays the expected amount of reimbursable expenses related to the contract.
Contracts - Contract Reimbursable Consultant This column displays the expected amount of reimbursable consultant fees related to the contract. This amount includes any markups on consultant professional services.
Contracts - Billing Currency Contract Compensation This column displays the total monetary amount you expect to receive for direct labor and direct expenses, in the billing currency.
Contracts - Billing Currency Contract Direct Labor This column displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct labor related to the contract, in the billing currency.
Contracts - Billing Currency Contract Direct Expense This column displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct expenses related to the contract, in the billing currency.
Contracts - Billing Currency Contract Direct Consultant This column displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct consultant fees related to the contract, in the billing currency.
Contracts - Billing Currency Contract Reimbursable Allowance This column displays the expected amount of reimbursable expenses and reimbursable consultant fees related to the contract, in the billing currency.
Contracts - Billing Currency Contract Reimbursable Expense This column displays the expected amount of reimbursable expenses related to the contract, in the billing currency.
Contracts - Billing Currency Contract Reimbursable Consultant This column displays the expected amount of reimbursable consultant fees, in the billing currency related to the contract. This amount includes any markups on consultant professional services.
Contracts - Functional Currency Contract Compensation This column displays the total monetary amount you expect to receive for direct labor and direct expenses, in the contract's functional currency.
Contracts - Functional Currency Contract Direct Labor This column displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct labor related to the contract, in the contract's functional currency.
Contracts - Functional Currency Contract Direct Expense This column displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct expenses related to the contract, in the contract's functional currency.
Contracts - Functional Currency Contract Direct Consultant This column displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct consultant fees related to the contract, in the contract's functional currency.
Contracts - Functional Currency Contract Reimbursable Allowance This column displays the expected amount of reimbursable expenses and reimbursable consultant fees related to the contract, in the contract's functional currency.
Contracts - Functional Currency Contract Reimbursable Expense This column displays the expected amount of reimbursable expenses related to the contract, in the contract's functional currency.
Contracts - Functional Currency Contract Reimbursable Consultant This column displays the expected amount of reimbursable consultant fees related to the contract, in the contract's functional currency. This amount includes any markups on consultant professional services.
Contracts - Contract Notes This column displays an additional description or other notes related to the contract.
Contracts - Contract Sales Credit Employee This column displays the sales credit employee related to the contract.
Contracts - Contract Sales Credit Percent This column displays the sales credit percent related to the contract.
Descriptions - Category This column displays the description category (for example, Resume Description).
Descriptions - Description This column displays the full text of the description.
Employees - Name This column displays the name of the employee working on the project.
Employees - Role This column displays the employee's role on the project (for example, Lead Architect, Structural Engineer, or Assistant Project Manager).
Employees - Role Description This column displays additional description of the employee's role on the project.
Employees - Team Status This column displays the employee's status as a member of the project team.
Employees - Hours This column displays the hours the employee has worked on the project.
Employees - Title This column displays the employee's job title.
Employees - Status This column displays the employee's employment status at your firm.
Employees - Start Date This column displays the date on which the employee started, or will start, work on the project.
Employees - End Date The date on which the employee stopped, or stop, work on the project.
Files - Description This column displays a brief description of the file or URL.
Files - File Path This column displays one of the following:
  • The complete file path (including the file name and extension) for an external file. Click the file path to open the file.
  • The complete HTTP, FTP, email, or newsgroup address for a URL. Click the address to go to the web, FTP, or newsgroup site, or to open and send an email.
Files - Graphic This column displays Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether or not the file is a graphic file.
Marketing Campaigns - Name This column displays the name of the marketing campaign associated with this project.
Marketing Campaigns - Number This column displays the number of the marketing campaign associated with this project.
Project Codes - Project Code This column displays the project codes for the project.

Project codes enable you to categorize the types of work you expect to do and enter estimated fees for each category. For example, you could set up codes for fire protection, electrical, and plumbing.

Project Codes - SF330 Code This column displays the SF330 code associated with the project code.
Project Codes - Description This column displays the description of the projectcode.
Project Codes - Fees This column displays the total fee for the work associated with the project code.
Project Codes - Seq. This column displays the sorting sequence code for the project code.
Vendors - Name This column displays the name of a vendor (or consultant) working on the project.
Vendors - Role This column displays the vendor's role on the project team (for example, Surveying, Printing, or Security).
Vendors - Role Description This column displays additional information about the vendor's role on the project.
Vendors - Team Status This column displays the vendor's status on the project team.
Vendors - Cost Amounts This column displays the total paid to this vendor for the project to date.
Vendors - Status This column displays the vendor's status with your firm.
Vendors - Address Description For vendors that use more than one address, this column displays an address description to indicate which address is associated with the project.

For example, this column might display one of the following:

  • <Default> — Default address from the Vendor Info Center
  • Corporate HQ — Address of the vendor's headquarters
  • London — Address for the vendor's office in London, UK
Vendors - Address1 This column displays the vendor's street address or post office box.
Vendors - City This column displays the city for the vendor's address.
Vendors - State This column displays the state for the vendor's address.
Vendors - ZIP This column displays the ZIP code for the vendor's address.
Service Profile Code If Fee Estimate is enabled in Configuration > General > Opportunity Settings, this column displays the code for the service profile that is associated with the project.
Service Profile Description If Fee Estimate is enabled in Configuration > General > Opportunity Settings, this column displays the description for the service profile that is associated with the project.