Project Planning Visualization

The Project Planning Visualization is a graphical representation of key metrics for your project plans. For example, you can compare baseline hours or costs to actual (job-to-date) hours or costs. To help evaluate how much revenue a plan will return for each labor dollar planned, you can select the Cost Planned Multiplier metric.

The Project Planning Visualization is available if your firm uses Vision Planning.


The options you specify on the tabs of the Project Visualization Options dialog box determine the contents of the visualization map, the grouping of the data, the colors used to represent metric values, and the metrics on which the sizes and colors of the blocks are based.

If you select multiple grouping, size, or color criteria, all of those criteria are available to you as you view the visualization map in the Visualization window. You can easily switch from one criterion to another to modify the focus of the map.

Security Considerations

Vision's security settings are by role. In the Roles form (Configuration > Security > Roles), your system administrator sets options that control your access to reports and report data.

The settings in the Roles form for record level access and report grouping access automatically apply to Visualization.


If your firm uses the Multicompany feature, a visualization map can include plans from any companies in your enterprise. It is not restricted to those for the active company. To generate a visualization for a single company, select Company as one of the record selection criteria.

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