Purchase Requisition and Price Quote General Tab

Use the General tab to select report options for the Purchase Requisition and Price Quote report and to save sets of options for reuse.


Field Description
Report Name You can change the default report name.

Use this field to limit the purchase requisitions and requests for price quotes included on the report to those for purchases requested by specific employees.

Enter a requestor's name, or click to display the Employee lookup dialog box and select one or more employees.

If you use the Multicompany feature, the list of available employees only includes those for the active company.


Use this option to limit the purchase requisitions and requests for price quotes included on the report to those assigned a specific ship-to destination.

For example, you might generate the report for items to be shipped to your firm's Boston office.

Request No.

Use this field to limit the requests for price quotes included on the report to those you select.

Enter a request number, or click to display the Lookup dialog box and select one or more items.

If you use the Multicompany feature, the list of available requests only includes those for the active company.

Requisition No.

Use this field to limit the requisitions included on the report to those you select.

Enter a request number, or click to display the Lookup dialog box and select one or more items.

If you use the Multicompany feature, the list of available requests only includes those for the active company.

Item Number

Use this field to limit the purchase requisitions and requests for price quotes included on the report to those for a specific item or set of items.

Enter an item number, or click to display the Lookup dialog box and select one or more items.

If you use the Multicompany feature, the list of available items only includes those for the active company.

Category Use this option to limit the purchase requisitions and requests for price quotes included on the report to those assigned a specific category (for example, Furniture, Data, Phone, or Supplies).

Use this field to limit the purchase requisitions and requests for price quotes to those for a specific vendor or set of vendors.

Enter a vendor's name, or click to display the Vendor lookup dialog box and select one or more vendors.

If you use the Multicompany feature, the list of available vendors only includes those for the active company.

Include Requests from RFQ

Select this check box to include requests from requests for price quotes.

Clear this check box if you do not want to include requests from requests for price quotes.

Include Requests from PR

Select this check box to include requests from purchase requisitions.

Clear this check box if you do not want to include requests from purchase requisitions.

Include Requisitions Need Price Quote Only If you select Include Requests from PR, select this check box if you only want to include purchase requisitions for which you need price quotes from vendors.
Show Cost Distributions

Select this check box to display cost distribution columns.

The cost distribution columns show how costs are distributed to projects, phases, and tasks. More than one project can share the cost of a requested item. In that case, the report displays the percentage of the overall cost distributed to each project, phase, or task.

Show Ship To Select this check box to display the ship-to addresses for the items.
Show Suggested Vendors Select this check box to display information for the suggested vendors for the requested items.
Show Extra Notes

Select this check box to display the extra notes specified for the purchase requisition or request for price quote.

You enter extra notes on the Notes tab of the Purchase Requisition Line Detail dialog box or the Request for Price Quote Line Detail dialog box.

Show Internal Notes

Select this check box to display internal notes on the report.

You enter internal notes on the Notes tab of the Purchase Requisition Line Detail dialog box or the Request for Price Quote Line Detail dialog box.

Closed Only Select this check box to limit the purchase requisitions and requests for price quotes included on the report to those with the Closed status.

To limit the purchase requisitions and requests for price quotes included on the report based on their status, select one or more of the following check boxes:

  • Approved

  • Rejected

  • In Progress

  • Submitted